
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-09-06

英译中:?It was New Year’s Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.
He had already passed sixty and brought from his journey nothing but errors and regrets. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant and his heart sorrowful.
The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads- one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and filled with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and devils and poisonous snake hissed (?发嘶嘶声) and crawled (爬, 爬行).
He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness. These were the days of his wasted life; he saw a star fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself. His regret like a sharp arrow struck deeply into his heart. Then he remembered his friends in his childhood. But they had made their way to success and were now honoured and happy on this night.
The high church clock struck and the sound made him remember his parents’ early love for him. They had taught him and prayed for his good. But he chose the wrong way. With shame and grief he dared no longer look towards that heaven. His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort, he burst out a cry: “Come back, my early days!”
His youth did return, for all this was only a dream which he had on New Year Night. He was still young though his faults were real; he had not yet entered the deep, dark cave, and he was still free to walk on the road which leads to the peaceful and sunny land.
Those who still wander on the entrance of life, hesitating to choose the bright road, remember that when years are passed and your feet stumble (绊脚) on the dark mountains, you will cry bitterly, but in vain(徒劳): “ Oh youth, return! Oh give me back my early days!”
 Life can be good,
 Life can be bad,
Life is mostly cheerful,
But sometimes sad.
 Life can be dreams,
Life can be great thoughts;
 Life can mean a person,
Sitting in court.
Life can be dirty,
Life can even be painful;
But life is what you make it,
So try to make it beautiful!
一、词条一定要看china daily热词新词!基本都能看到!
一、英汉互译:OPEC,VAT,MBA,核心价值观,国际货币基金组织,首席执行官,古典主义,可持续发展,产学研,R&D center,shares&values,manned space mission,moral sentiments
ASEAN;G.E.O.Honda;Big Rapids;To Whom the Bell Tolls;AP;Volkswagen;
Christain Science Monitor;Out of Africa;Los Angeles Times;ECM;CBS;7-up;P&G;



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