
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-08-07


第一题是10年11月18日的New York Times上的《Understanding the Puzzling Nature of Poverty》原文

一、PONDICHERRY, INDIA — Rahul Gandhi, the general secretary of India’s Congress party, often says that there (exist) “two Indias” — one of the rich, and one of the poor.

Those two Indias were in evidence a (couple) of weeks ago, when closely timed events on opposite sides of the planet brought into relief the deep divides that in many ways define this country.

In Mumbai on Nov. 7, President Barack Obama told a group of students that India was no longer a “(rising) power,” but rather an “already risen” power. He celebrated an economy that “has risen at a breathtaking (rate).”

Three days earlier, in New York, the United Nations (released) the 20th edition of its Human Development Report, a publication that has in many ways become the authoritative measure of poverty and deprivation.

India (ranked) 119th of 169 countries. The nation’s eight poorest states contain as many poor as the 26 poorest African countries combined. In terms of (life) expectancy and even gender inequality, India rates below its neighbors of Bangladesh and Pakistan.

None of these figures (deny)  the remarkable strides India has made in recent years. But if India is indeed a risen power, then it has risen despite its terrible (poverty) — despite lingering inequality and despite widespread deprivation that has (left)  millions in conditions that are almost medieval.

After nearly two decades of economic changes that were to have ushered in an era of prosperity, it is clear that in some ways the nation has been na?ve: high growth rates alone cannot (cure) poverty.

The problem, as Anirudh Krishna, a political scientist at Duke University in North Carolina, and the author of a remarkable new study on poverty, put it to me, is that “poverty in India has become very resilient. The numbers hardly budge.”

Indeed, while official estimates suggest that poverty has declined since the advent of reforms, other recent studies suggest that it is in fact far more widespread than had been thought.

At least three government committees have been (formed) to count the poor in India. The variance in their findings — (ranging) from 37.2 percent to 77 percent — suggests not only the prevalence of poverty, but also that its very nature is misunderstood. For all the attention directed at the issue, poverty remains something of a (mystery).

Mr. Krishna’s study, published in September as “One Illness Away: Why People Become Poor and How They Escape Poverty,” is in large part an effort to peel away the layers of this mystery. The outcome of a decade of work in five countries, and the result of conversations and surveys with more than 35,000 families, one of its chief goals — and accomplishments — is to flesh out our understanding of economic deprivation.

最后三段是要求翻译滴~~ 也就是第二大题~

There are several insights in this book, but one of Mr. Krishna’s more important is that, as he writes, “poverty is not an undifferentiated mass living beneath some theoretical or statistical line.” It is, rather, a constantly churning pool of deprivation, with those who escape being replenished by a new population that has fallen from relative prosperity.

This understanding of poverty as nonstatic, always in flux, has policy implications. It suggests that welfare programs need to be designed not just to raise people out of poverty, but also to prevent those who are not poor — and thus perhaps off the radar of such programs — from descending into poverty.

In particular, Mr. Krishna’s research highlights the major role played by illness in pushing people over the edge. He writes about “chains of negative events” that lead, through costly hospital bills, unemployment and debt, into economic hardship.

三,中翻英 (60分)








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