
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-09-06

福利彩票 welfare lottery
连环恐怖袭击案 series of terrorist attacks
零团费 no charge tour
按揭贷款 mortgage loan   mortgage finance  
一带一路 the belt and road
扶贫 supporting the poor
微商 micro business
西藏高原Tibet plateau
真人秀 reality show true man show
增值税 added value tax
餐桌污染 table pollution
九二共识;1992 consensus
保险索赔 insurance claim insurance indemnity
命运共同体 community with a common future
探月工程 moon probe project lunar exploration program   moon exploration project
CAT computer aid translation 计算机辅助翻译
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
CPA certificated public accountant 注册会计师   civilian property agent 民间财产代理人 
DOJ department of justice 司法部 
modern pentathlon 现代五项运动
transit-trade 过境贸易  转口贸易
graffito pollution 涂写污染
credit-card fraud 信用卡诈骗
animated feature 最佳动画长片
campus entrepreneurship 校园创业
inter-city commuter 城际列车
social media whiz 社交媒体专家
binge-watch煲剧 刷剧。
英译汉( 60分)
The living windmill is not only beautiful but romantic too: a willing, man-serving creature, yoked to the elements, a whirling monster, often a thing of terror. No one can stand very near the crashing sweeps of a windmill in half of a gale without a frightening of the hearta feeling comparable to that which comes from watching the waves break over a wall in a storm. And to be within the mill at such a time is to know something of sounds very sources; it is the cave of noise itself. No doubt there are dens of hammering energy which are more shattering, but the noise of a windmill is largely natural, the product of wood striving with the good sou-wester; it fills the ears rather than assaults them. The effect, moreover, is by no means lessened by the absence of the wind itself and the silent nonchalance of the miller and his man, who move about in the midst of this appalling racket with the quiet efficiency of vergers.
 In my mill, of course, there is no such uproar; nothing but the occasional shaking of the cross-pieces of the idle sails. Everything is still, and the pity of it is that everything is in almost perfect order for the days work. The mill one day? some score years agotwas full of life; the next, and ever after, mute and lifeless, like a stream frozen in a night or the palace in Tennysons ballad of the Sleeping Beauty. There is no decayt merely inanition. One or two of the apple-wood cogs have been broken from the great wheel; a few floor planks have been rotted; but that is all. A weeks overhauling would put everything right. But it will never come, and the cheerful winds that once were to drive a thousand English mills so happily now bustle over the Channel in vain.
译文: 转动着的风车不仅看起来美丽,而且非常浪漫:一个受制于自然的魔力但情愿为人类服务的温顺家伙,一个飞舞旋转的怪物或者往往是一个使人惧怕的东西。如果谁在风力正强的时候靠近一座风车轰鸣的翅膀,心里都会骤然紧张起来 ——那感觉就像人们在暴风雨中望见水浪冲击堤岸的情景一样。而此时待在风车里边的话,就能对声音的来历有些体会,因为这里就是声音的洞穴。当然有些孔洞中所发出的轰鸣声震耳欲聋,具有很大的威力,但风车的声音则大体来说是比较自然的,它们是木头与西南风搏斗时产生的,它充盈于人耳而不会震耳欲聋。而且这种效果并不因为没有风或者磨坊主人及其佣人的淡漠而有所减弱,这些人即使是在震耳欲聋的喧闹之下,也总是一副文静态度,如同教堂管事人一般有条不紊地办事。
汉译英( 60分)


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