
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-04-05

3.    人们普遍对公共关系这个词存在误解,错误的用它来描述从销售到招待客人等无所不包的各种活动,而实际上,它是一个非常专门的交流过程。
4.    兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知。
5.    虽然国家开发大西部的长远战略规划还处在初级阶段,但是政府官员们和经济专家们都热衷于讨论缩小东西部的经济差距的方法。

Paragraph Translation 40’
1.    Like everybody else, I live in this world for the purpose of conquering life. I have also taken part in the “struggle”. I have my own love and hate, and happiness and sorrow. But I have never lost my faith—a faith in life. There is still some way to go before my life runs out, and I do not know what the future has in store for me. Nevertheless, I am not without some idea of what the future is like because the past, being no silent mute, will give me some hint.
2.  这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知,大 家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。虽然祖国大陆、台湾的青 年生活在不同的社会环境中,有着各自不同的生活经历,但大家的内心都深深铭刻着中华文化优秀传统的印记,都拥有着振兴中华民族的共同理想。在世纪之交的伟大时代,我们的祖 国正在走向繁荣富强,海峡两岸人民也将加强交流,共同推进祖国统一大业的早日完成。世纪之交的宝贵机遇和巨大挑战将青年推到了历史前台。跨世纪青年一代应该用什么样的姿态 迎接充满希望的新世纪,这是我们必须回答的问题。日月潭水波不兴,仿佛与我一同在思索……
3.   It was once thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic. today ,we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution , the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a greenhouse effect-holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as new york , boston , Miami and new Orleans will be under water.
4. 徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书本上的结论。他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人烟稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景。
5.  The most sensible people to be met with in society are men of business and of the world, who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobweb distinctions of what things ought to be. Women have often more of what is called good sense than men. They have fewer pretensions; are less implicated in theories; and judge of objects more from their immediate and involuntary impression on the mind, and, therefore, more truly and naturally. They cannot reason wrong; for they do not reason at all. They do not think or speak by rule; and they have in general more eloquence and wit as well as sense, on that account. By their wit, sense, and eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands. Their style, when they write to their friends, is better than that of most authors. - Uneducated people have most exuberance of invention.
6. 科学就是探求真理。在探求真理的过程中,人们对客观规律的认识要经过艰苦曲折的过程。常常有这样的情形:由于研究的角度不同,掌握资料的差异,认识方法的不同,就会出现"横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同"的情况,以至引起学术上的争论。因此,有作为的科学工作者都把反对的意见看作对自己的莫大的帮助,把对自己的批评当作最珍贵的友谊。正如歌德所说,"我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。"这都是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。退一步说,即使错误的反对意见,对自己的科学研究也是很有好处的。
7. Although the American economy has transformed itself over the years, certain issues have persisted since the early days of the republic. One is the continuing debate over the proper role for government in what is basically a marketplace economy. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people, to prevent flagrant abuses, to dampen inflation and to stimulate growth. Ever since colonial times, the government has been involved, to some extent, in economic decision-making. The federal government, for example, has made huge investments in infrastructure, and it has provided social welfare programs that the private sector was unable or unwilling to provide. In a myriad of ways and over many decades, the government has supported and promoted the development of agriculture.
8. 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。所以人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一直以不变的方式生活着。种植庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草和栽花;在周末去教堂祈祷和做礼拜,在节日到广场拉琴、跳舞和唱歌;往日的田园依旧是今日的温馨家园。这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来。


1.    A developing economy with an impressive development plan requires large imports of capital goods, technology, raw material and other inputs and consumer goods to carry out the plan effectively.
2.    As most of countries are vigorously promoting exports and also because of the tremendous growth of multinational corporations, the international market, in most instance, is characterized by intense competition on an extensive scale.
3.    Public relations is a term that is widely misunderstood and misused to describe anything from selling to hosting, when in fact it is a very specific communication process.
4.    Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuation of foreign exchanges the quotation is subject without previous notice.
5.    Although the country’s long-term strategy of developing the vast western region is still at an early stage, both the government officials and economic experts are keen to discuss the ways to narrow the economic gap between the west and the east.
Paragraph Translation 40’
1.  我跟所有其余的人一样,生活在这世界上,是为着来征服生活。我也曾参加在这个“搏斗”里面。我有我的爱,有我的恨,有我的欢乐,也有我的痛苦。但是我并没有失去我的信仰:对于生活的信仰。我的生活还不会结束,我也不知道在前面还有什么东西等着我。然而我对于将来却也有一点概念。因为过去并不是一个沉默的哑子,它会告诉我们一些事情。
2.  The current visit to Taiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. Whenever people gather together, an important topic of discussion has been how the Chinese nation can become prosperous and powerful in the 21st century. Although the young people on the Mainland and in Taiwan live in different social contexts (environments / milieus), with their individually different experiences of life, in the innermost recesses of their hearts are wrought an indelible mark by the fine traditions of the Chinese culture. They all cherish the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation (They share the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation). In this great epoch at the turn of the century, our motherland is developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulness. People across the Taiwan Straits are bound to strengthen their exchanges and will mutually promote the earliest possible achievement of the great cause of reunification of the motherland. The precious opportunities and the tremendous challenges at the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground (forefront) of the historical arena (stage). At this transitional phase between the two millennia, in what way the young generation should embrace the forthcoming new century replete with hopes is a question to which we have to seek an answer. In the Riyuetai Lake, the waves across the lake surface have by now all vanished. Enveloped in utter tranquility, the Lake has joined me in deep thoughts … …
3. 空气污染曾一度被认为只影响与大城市相毗邻的地区,或者机动车密集地带。现在,我们知道严重空气污染不仅仅存在于上述地区,它已经真正成为全球性的问题。在过去的几十年里发生的污染事件中,有好几次都是厚重的污染空气覆盖了东部半个美国,甚至在远离主要制造工业和机动车集中地的郊区,也因此拉响了危害健康的“警报”。 事实上,全球的气候都可能会受到空气污染的影响。有些科学家认为,由于人们燃烧化石燃料(煤和石油),二氧化碳在空气中不断积聚,导致了温室效应——含有二氧化碳的大气吸收地表折射的热量,使得全球平均气温升高。如果这种观点是正确的,那么即使全球气温只升高几度,北极冰盖的大部分将融化,像纽约,波士顿,迈阿密和新奥尔良等城市也会被海水淹没。
4. During his lifetime, Xu Xiake traveled around and conducted surveys in 16 provinces. He left his footsteps in virtually every part of the country. In the process of conducting his surveys and investigations, he would never blindly embrace the conclusions recorded in previous documents. Instead, he discovered that the documentations made by his predecessors in their geographical studies were not quite reliable in many aspects. In order to ensure that his reconnaissance were real and detailed, he seldom traveled by ship or by wagon. He climbed over mountains and hills and traveled long distances almost entirely on foot. In order to develop a true picture of the natural world, he made it a point of undertaking his expeditions in those mountain areas where roads were difficult to travel and in those woods that were sparsely populated. In this way he discovered many marvelous mountains and beautiful scenes. He frequently chose different times and seasons of the year to make repeated visits to the famous mountains across the country so that he could make repeated observations of their wonderful scenery that kept changing all year round.
5. 在这个社会上,所能碰见的最为贤达的人士乃商人及饱经世事沧桑者。其言谈,其论点全然基于其所见所知,而不会去编织某些迂腐的区分,以设定事物理应如何如何。女士们往往要比男士们更富于所谓的"见识"。她们不那么自命不凡,不那么惯于纠缠于理论,在对事物形成判断时更多地凭藉这些事物在其头脑中所烙下的直接和不自觉的印象,因而会来得更为真实,更为自然。她们绝不犯任何逻辑错误,因为她们从不进行任何的逻辑推理。她们的所思所言决不受制于任何条条框框,正因为如此,总体而言她们不仅更具见识,而且更机智,更能言善辩。凭借其机智、其见识、其如簧巧舌这三件利器,她们大都会图谋主宰她们的丈夫。她们在给朋友写信时,其文笔之雅致与绝大多数作家相比均有过之而无不及。--未受教育者最富于创造。
6. Science means the exploration of truth. In the process of exploring truth, people will have to experience tremendous hardships and difficulties before they can come to understand the objective laws. It is often the case that the differences in the research perspectives, the materials mastered, and the ways of understanding would lead to totally different results-as we might say, "a mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally and a ridge when viewed vertically, and it assumes totally different shapes when viewed from a short or a long distance, or from a high or a low position." - and even lead to academic disputes. Therefore, an accomplished scientist would regard opposing arguments as his most tremendous benefit and take others’ criticism of him as the most precious friendship that he can ever obtain. In Gothe’s words, "We take for granted what we are in favor of. However, only what we are opposed to can enrich our thoughts." This is all because the approving opinions are not necessarily justified while the opposing arguments are not necessarily unfounded. To put it in the least way, even the opposing arguments that are mistaken will be immensely beneficial to one’s own scientific research.
7. 虽然美国经济在过去几年中已实现了转型,但某些问题自美国建国之初以来一直持续至今,依然悬而未决。其中之一便是围绕着政府在一个基本上属于市场性质的经济中的恰当角色所展开的持久争论。以自由企业为基础的经济体制,其普遍特征便是私有制和个人创新精神,政府介入应相对微弱。然而,人们发现,政府的干预时不时地也是必要的,以确保经济机会人人均等,能为全部民众所获得,并防范肆无忌惮的权力滥用,平抑通货膨胀,刺激经济增长。自殖民地时期以来,美国政府或多或少地参与到经济决策中来。例如,联邦政府曾在基础设施方面进行过巨额投资,它也提供了私营业主们没有能力或不愿意提供的社会福利项目。在过去数十年中,政府也以无数的方式支持并促进农业发展。
8. Equal are the generous gifts granted/distributed (endowed) by Nature to (on) all human individuals, whether they are wealthy or impoverished (be they wealthy or impoverished). Therefore, all human individuals have become unanimously and profoundly indebted to (obliged to, attached to, dependent on) Nature. This is particularly true in rural areas where ways of life have remained intact and unchanged for people for thousands of years-sowing crops and grapes, brewing and drinking wines, grazing and milking cows, hoeing grasses and planting flower-trees, going to churches for religious prayers and services on weekends, playing musical instruments, dancing and singing on squares. The fields in former times are still their present-day homes glowing with human warmth. In such a way, each locality has evolved its own unique folk tales and has transmitted its distinctive habits and customs.
1.Who ever said the most famous word “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains?”
A.John Locke
B. Montesquieu
C. Rousseau
D. Voltaire

2.Who ever said that “Lost time is never found again” and “God helps those who help themselves”?
A. John Locke
B. Voltaire
C. Montesquieu
D. Benjamin Franklin 

3. __ is not a nationally observed holiday of America?
A. Easter Sunday
B. Veteran’s Day
C. Independence Day
D. Christmas

4. On Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is held at __ in Washington D.C.
A. the Lincoln Memorial
B. the Washington Monument
C. the White House Lawn
D. the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
5. The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ___.
A. friendship and happiness 
B. peace and plenty 
C. cooperation and rich award
D. love and happiness

6. How many seats does the House of Representatives have?
A. 635  B. 120  C. 435  D. 351

7. The Four Freedoms were declared by__.
A. Kennedy 
B. Johnson 
C. Richard Nixon 
D. Roosevelt

8. The main purpose of Ku Klux Klan is__.
A. persecuting blacks
B. killing politicians
C. kidnapping foreigners
D. murdering millionaires

9. The Head of the Representatives is called__.
A. Chancellor   B. Speaker   C. Chairman   D. Leader
10.  When did Christopher Columbus land on one of the Bahama Islands?
A. 1492   B. 1493   C. 1498   D. 1502

11. The Rocky Mountains is located in _____.
A. Great Britain  B. Australia  C. South Africa  D. North America

12. Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city?
A. Los Angles  B. Chicago  C. New York  D. Washington

13. Which of the following is an American newspaper?
A. The Guardian
B. Newsweek
C. The International Herald Tribune
D. The Daily Telegraph

14. The U.S. is called a “melting pot” because _____.
A. its steel industry is highly developed
B. it has great influence on the world
C. it is an important economic center of the world
D. people from different races live there together

15. The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____.
A. Codpeed   B. Susan Constant   C. May Flower   D. Discovery

16. Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have _____.
A. given their lives for their country
B. made great scientific discoveries
C. won American great reputation in sports
D. donated large amounts of money to the country

17. “Trick or Treat” is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated _____.
A. New Year’s Day   B. Veteran’s Day   C. Halloween   D. Christmas

18. The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated with Easter, are considered to present _____.
A. vigor and bravery
B. fertility and new life
C. originality and speed
D. happiness and fun

19. Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens?
A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
C. Life on the Mississippi
D. Leaves of grass

20. Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving?
A. Nature   B. The Scarlet Letter   C. The Sketch Book   D. Farewell to Arms

21. Where is Edinburgh?
A. In wales
B. In Scotland
C. In Northern Ireland
D. In Ireland

22.Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?

23.The capital of Australia is ____
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
C. Canberra
D. Perth

24.Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?
A. Master's degree
B. Doctor’s degree
c. Bachelor's degree
D. Associate's degree

25.George Bernard Shaw was a(n) ____
A. playwright
B. poet
C. novelist
D. essayist

26.John Galsworthy was most famous for ____
A. Heart of Darkness
B. Ulysses
C. The Forsyte Saga
D. A Passage to India

27.The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was witten by ____
A. Henry James
B. O. Henry
C. Harriet Beecher Stower
D. Mark Twain

28.The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is _______
A. morphology
B. general linguistics
C. phonology
D. semantics

29.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word?
A. Landlady
B. Greenhouse
C. Uplift
D. Unacceptable


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    本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2018-04-03
  • 2018年对外经济贸易大学英语学院考研调剂信息
    请拟录取的英语学院专业及方向调剂的考生于4月15日之前将服从调剂承诺书送至或快递至:北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号,对外经济贸易大学,诚信楼1321办公室,王老师收(注明考研专业方向调剂字样),邮编:100029,并通过电话010-64495025进行确认。英语学院2018年 ...
    本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2018-03-30
  • 2018年对外经济贸易大学工商管理硕士EMBA项目校内调剂信息
    我校2018年工商管理硕士EMBA项目专业招生尚有少量招生余额,现招收符合条件的考生进行调剂,具体通知如下:一、适用对象申请考生需同时满足以下全部条件:1.第一志愿报考我校工商管理硕士(MBA)专业,初试成绩符合我校分数线(联考总成绩不低于165分,且英语成绩不低于42分,综合能力成绩不低84分), ...
    本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2018-03-30
  • 2018年对外经济贸易大学马克思主义学院接收校内调剂信息
    根据《对外经济贸易大学2018年硕士研究生复试工作方案》和学校调剂政策的相关精神,为保证学院2018年硕士研究生入学调剂复试工作顺利开展,特此通知。一、调剂条件和复试原则1.我院科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动专业剩余少量招生计划,现接收调剂。专业招生相关信息见学校发布的《 ...
    本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2018-03-30
  • 2018年对外经济贸易大学会计硕士专业学位(MPAcc)非全日制考研调剂信息
    我校2018年会计硕士专业学位(MPAcc)非全日制招生尚有少量招生余额,现招收符合条件的考生进行调剂,具体通知如下:一、适用对象申请考生需同时满足以下全部条件:1.第一志愿报考我校全日制会计硕士专业学位(MPAcc)项目,初试成绩符合我校会计硕士专业学位(MPAcc)分数线(联考总成绩不低于225 ...
    本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2018-03-30
  • 2019年对外经济贸易大学831会计学考研常见问题解答
    2019年考研备战已经开始,不少怀揣着梦想的朋友已经选定了自己的考研目标。但是 在备考的时候, 大家都会遇到各种各样的问题, 希望可以得到有经验的学姐学长的指点。 所 以,惠园教育根据授课答疑内容,整理了这一系列的文章,希望对您有所帮助! 在昨天的文章中主要归纳总结了一些在备战 MTI 英语翻译硕士考研的过程中可能会 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-22
  • 对外经济贸易大学2017年硕士研究生报名录取情况统计表
    招生学院 专业名称 报考数 录取数 (001)国际经济贸易学院 (020203)财政学 33 5 (001)国际经济贸易学院 (020204)金融学 365 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-11