
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2016-12-03

It is probably true to say that most people prefer to preserve the cities. Some think that the cities could be cleaned up or totally rebuilt. This is easy to say; it would not be so easy to do. (7) To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. Living conditions could not help but improve, at least for a while. But would the problems return after the rebuilding was completed?
Nevertheless, with the majority of the people living in urban areas, the problem of the cities must be solved. (8) From agreement on this general goal, we have, unfortunately, in the past proceeded to disagreement on specific goals, and from there to total inaction. At the basis of much of this inaction is an old-fashioned concept -- the idea human conditions will naturally tend to regulate themselves for the general goal.
Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation (20 points)
1. 对我们来说,生活要是没有广大的城市地区似乎是不可想象的,但实际上城市还是比较按期才发展起来的。(2分)
2. 从历史上看,城市生活始终是文明的一个组成部分。(2分)
3. 如果没有城市的支持,简直难以想象会有大学,医院,大企业,甚至连科学技术也不会有。(3分)
4. 可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是问题成堆的地方。(2分)
5. 但是,一个最主要的分歧意见是,像目前这样的城市是否还要保存下去。(3分)
6. 同时也有人反对说,文化方面的进步,始终是以城市为中心而向外辐射的。(3分)
7. 诚然,一个宏伟的重建计划也许能为许多需要工作的人提供就业机会。(2分)
8. 遗憾的是,过去我们在总目标方面意见是一致的,但涉及到各个具体目标时,意见就不一致,因而也就根本没有什么行动。(3分)

Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)
1. 恶劣的天气使他无法按时动身去北京。
1. Bad weather prevented him from starting out for Beijing on time.
2. 请先把事故的原因查清楚再向主任汇报。
2. Please make sure of the cause of the accident and then report to the director.
3. 直到演出已经开始,他才匆匆赶到。
3. He arrived in a hurry after the performance had already started.
4. 经当地政府批准后,他们取消了原定的项目。
4. With the approval of the local government, they cancelled the original project.
5. 他听到这意外消息,吃惊得连一句话也说不出来。
5. Upon hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t utter a word.

Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points)
Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was efficient.
Stylishly dressed, the firm’s newest employee had a pleasant telephone voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was pleased: (1) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but by no means unique. (2) Just as all truck drivers and construction workers are no longer necessarily men, all secretaries and receptionists are no longer automatically women. The number of men in women-dominated fields is still small and they haven’t attracted the attention that has often followed women advancing into male-dominated fields, but men are moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been held by women.
Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social work and elementary education. But today no job seems off-limits. Men serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (3) These changes are helping to influence some of the long-standing traditions about the types of work men and women can do -- but they also produce some undeniable problems for the men who are entering those
What kinds of men venture into these so-called “women’s fields”? All kinds. (4) “I don’t know of any definite answers I’d be comfortable with,”explains Joseph Pleck, Ph.D., of the Wellesley College Centre for Research on Women.
Sam Ormont, for example, a thirty-year-old nurse at a Boston hospital, went into nursing because the army had trained him as a medical worker. (5) “I found that work very interesting.”he recalled, “and when I got out of the service it just seemed natural for me to go into something medical. I wasn’t really interested in becoming a doctor.”Thirty-five-year-old David King, an out-of-work actor, found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.
(6) In other words, men enter “female”jobs out of the same consideration for personal interest and economic necessity that motivates anyone looking for work. But similarities often end there. Men in female-dominated jobs are conspicuous. As a group, their work histories differ in most respects from those of their female colleagues, and they are frequently treated differently by the people with whom they are in professional contact.

The question naturally arises: Why are there still approximately ninety-nine female secretaries for every one male? There is also a more serious issue. Most men don’t want to be receptionists, nurses, secretaries or sewing workers. Put simply, these are not generally considered very masculine jobs. (7) To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule.
“There was kidding in the beginning,”recalls Ormont. “Kids coming from school ask what I am, and when I say ‘A nurse,’they laugh at me. I just smile and say, ‘You know, there are female doctors, too.’”
Still, there are encouraging signs. Years ago, male grade school teachers were as rare as male nurses. Today more than one elementary school teacher in six is male.
(8) Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women -- or when the mention of a male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows? It’s probably coming -- but not very soon.
1. 他显然,他是个对自己的仪表感到相当自豪的人。
2. 正像卡车司机和建筑工人再没必要都是男的一样,秘书和接待员再也不一定都是女的。
3. 这些变化正影响着长期存在的传统观念中关于男女各可以干哪几类工作的看法,但这对于进入原先以妇女为主的那些的男人来说,无疑也带来一些问题。
4. 我还没听说过有任何使我感到满意的确切答案。
5. 他回忆说:“我觉得那种工作十分有趣,当我退役时,对我来说,去干某种医务工作,似乎是极其自然的。”
6. 换句话说,男人干起了“女人干的”工作,其动机是同任何找工作干的人一样,既出于个人的兴趣,也出于经济上需要的考虑。
7. 选定这一类工作是会惹人笑话的。
8. 我们是否能预见到这么一天:那时当秘书的男女各占一半或有人提到某个男人当护士时,人们不会再感到吃惊?
Section VI Chinese-English Translation
Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)
1. 请乘客们系好安全带,以防碰伤。
2. 除非安装一条新的装配线,否则提高产量是没有指望的。
3. 有人提出,暑假期间安排一次到海南岛的考察旅行。
4. 为了把课文中的难点解释清楚,他举了许多例子。
5. 护士们通常毕生致力于照顾病人。
VI: Chinese-English Translation (15 points)
1. All travellers are advised to fasten their safety-belts to avoid being bumped.
2. No increase in output can be expected unless a new assembly line is installed.
3. It is suggested that an exploration tour to the Hainan Island (should) be arranged during the summer vacation.
4. He gave lots of examples in order to get the difficult points in the text fully explained.
5. Nurses often devote their whole lives to tending the sick.

Section VII English-Chinese Translation
Read the following passage carefully and then translate the sentences in heavy type into Chinese. (20 points)
When Jane Matheson started work at Advanced Electronics Inc. 12 years ago, (1) she laboured over a microscope, hand-welding tiny electronic computers and turned out 18 per hour. Now she tends the computerized machinery that turns out high capacity memory chips at the rate of 2,50 per hour. Production is up, profits are up, her income is up and Mrs. Matheson says the work is far less strain on her eyes.
But the most significant effect of the changes at AEI was felt by the workers who are no longer there. Before the new computerized equipment was introduced, there were 940 workers at the plant. Now there are 121. (2) A plant follow-up survey showed that one year after the layoffs only 38% of the released workers found new employment at the same or better wages. Nearly half finally settled for lower pay and more than 13% are still out of work. The AEI example is only one of hundreds around the country which forge intelligently ahead into the latest technology, but leave the majority of their workers behind.
(3) Its beginnings obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slow-down, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th century. One corporation economist says the growth of “machine job replacement” has been with us since the beginning of the industrial revolution, but never at the pace it is now. The human costs will be astonishing. (4) “It’s humiliating to be done out of your job by a machine and there is no way to fight back, but it is the effort to find a new job that really hurts.”Some workers, like Jane Matheson, are retrained to handle the new equipment, but often a whole new set of skills is required and that means a new, and invariably smaller set of workers. (5) The old workers, trapped by their limited skills, often never regain their old status and employment. Many drift into marginal areas. They feel no pride in their new work. They get badly paid for it and they feel miserable, but still they are luckier than those who never find it.


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