
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25


* Nowadays, people concern a lot about health.


3.Nowadays, a heated debate about...is under way in China.



water shortages 水资源短缺

industrial pollution 工业污染

waste of energy 能源浪费

fake products 盗版商品

disregard of public prosperities 漠视公共财产

wildlife extinction 野生动物的灭绝

unemployment 失业问题

smoking 吸烟问题

需要注意的是,本句中的under way是固定短语,表示“已经开始,正在进行”。


* Nowadays, a heated debate about corruption of civil servants is under way in China.


* At present, a heated discussion about high school dropouts is under way in China.


* Currently, Chinese people are heatedly discussing about domestic violence.


4.Although many people believe that..., I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.




* Although many people believe that money is everything, I doubt whether the argument bears much close examination.


* Though many people take it for granted that computers will take charge of the earth one day, I doubt whether the argument bears much close examin-ation.


5.In the past ten years, millions of...have mushroomed all over China.


【点睛】本句可以用在说明某一情况的说明文的开头,也可以用于议论文的举例说明部分。mushroom本意是“蘑菇”,在此作动词,表示“如雨后春笋般出现”。本句型中需要注意的是,millions of后面必须接可数名词复数或集体名词:

private cars 私家车

companies 公司

skyscrapers 摩天大楼

supermarkets 超市

shopping malls 购物商场

parking lots 停车场

gymnasiums/gyms 健身房

multinational corporations 跨国公司


* For years, foreign corporations have been seen as disaster, but things are quite different now.


* Along with the development of China, more and more people take health into consideration and therefore gyms mushroom.


6.Different people have different attitudes towards...Some are in favor of..., while others are against...


【点睛】本句是典型的在议论文开头表达两种截然对立的观点的句型。be in favor of sth.指“喜欢某事物”,而be against sth.意为“反对某事物”,本句型中三个可以替换的位置都可以替换成名词(可数名词或者不可数名词均可);也可以替换成动名词、名词性短语或者带定语从句的名词:

internet 网络

digital books 电子书籍

campus love 校园恋爱

staying up 熬夜

fairy tales 童话

living off campus 住在学校外面

making friends through internet 交网友

the notion that all that is old is new again



* Different people hold varied opinions towards living on campus. I agree with the idea that living on campus could secure one's belongings and time for study.


* There is a long-running debate as to whether internet is good or evil. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that internet is bad from tip to toe. I believe it depends on people's way of using it.


7.When it comes to..., most people believe that...; but other people argue that...


【点睛】本句是典型的议论文的开头,表达两种截然对立的观点的句型。When it comes to...后面须接名词或动名词,表示“当提及/谈论…时”,如:

recycling 回收利用

banning fireworks 禁止燃放烟花爆竹

market economy 市场经济

human right 人权

trade protection 贸易保护



* When people talk about saving water, most of them believe that the government should take the major responsibility; others think that it is people who waste water in daily life and cause water shortages, and therefore commoners should take the main responsibility.


* Most people think that physical exercises are necessary for our health, but others regard it luxury since nowadays most office men and office ladies take exercises in the gym which charges a lot.


8.As the proverb says, ...


【点睛】本句型可以用于以给定的名言、谚语或俗语作为话题的议论性文章的开头,也可用于引用谚语之前。proverb意为“谚语;格言”,该词可以根据具体要引用的话而相应换成an old saying, an ancient saying等。本句型需要注意的是,介词as置于句首,表示“正如”,不能替换为其他介词;另外,替换的部分应该是结构完整的句子,本句型只是作为整个句子的插入语。


* As a popular saying goes, is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?


* An ancient wise man Laozi said once, the best thing is just like water.


* As is known to all, Laozi advocates harmony between human and nature.


9.A recent investigation indicates that...




* According to the statistics provided in the chart, more students depend on their parents than on themselves.


* Statistics show that more students depend on their parents than on themselves.


10.It reveals the unquestionable fact that...




* All the facts suggest that working at home is more and more fashionable and practical.


* No one can deny the fact that working at home is more and more fashionable and practical.


* We may face the undeniable fact that working at home is more and more fashionable and practical.


11.According to the statistics provided by..., it can be seen that...


【点睛】本句型是典型的图表作文的开头句型,它可以引出图表中给出的数据或者情况。statistic意为“统计数值”,常用其复数形式。本句型中的it指代的是that引导的从句,因此要用被动语态;如果将it替换成人称代词we,则必须用主动语态。本句型在替换的时候需要注意,介词by后面应该根据题目类型接the chart“图表”、the form“表格”、the picture“图形”、the story“事迹”等词。


* This brings up the important fact that fallout can occur even when the cloud cannot be seen.


* This chart sets forth the important fact that fallout can occur even when the cloud cannot be seen.


12.When it comes to..., ...


【点睛】本句型是典型的引出所要谈论的话题的句型,既可以用在议论文的开头,也可以用在各种文体的文章中间,以引出另一个话题。本句型在替换时需要注意的是,comes to后面必须接名词、名词性短语或从句,逗号后面的半句话为主句,替换时应该注意句子结构的完整性。


* When it comes to whether college students should be involved in business activities, there are different opinions.


* As far as the issue whether college students should be involved in business activities is concerned, there are different opinions.


13.According to a recent survey, ...



They had a public opinion survey last Monday.




* According to the latest survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依据最近的一项调查,每年有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

* Referring to a recent study, we can see that four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依据最近的一项调查,我们可以发现,每年有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

14.It is universally acknowledged that...



It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条公认的真理。


* It is fairly well-known that China has achieved tremendous successes in family planning.


* It is approved by almost everyone that China has achieved tremendous successes in family planning.


15.Everybody knows that...


【点睛】本句型是典型的提出总体观点或者大众观点的句型。替换时将everybody替换为everyone、we all、all of us等都可以,需要注意的是everybody本身是单数形式,所以句型中的know也用了第三人称单数形式;如果替换成了we等复数代词,谓语动词的单复数形式也应作相应的变化,使主谓语单复数一致。


* Everyone knows how exciting it is to see the latest games console that can connect to the Internet and play DVDs.我们都知道看到最新的游戏机能连接因特网和看DVD是多么令人兴奋的事。

* We all know how exciting it is to see the latest games console that can connect to the Internet and play DVDs.我们都知道看到最新的游戏机能连接因特网和看DVD是多么令人兴奋的事。

16.Generally speaking, ...


【点睛】这一句型的用法十分广泛,主要用于对全局情况的概括或者对个人观点的总结。它可以用在议论文的任何地方:用于开头描述全局;用于中间解释问题;用于结尾概括观点。本句型在替换时应当注意,generally speaking在句子中作插入语,因此逗号后面应该接一个结构、语意均完整的句子。


* It is often said that wealth brings happiness, especially in modern society.


* It is quite clear that wealth can bring us happiness as well as disaster.


* It goes without saying that unemployment is the major problem the government is dealing with.


* There is no denying that money is the basic need in modern society.毋庸置疑,金钱是现代社会人们必需的。

17.Recently the issue of...has been brought to public attention.


【点睛】本句是典型的议论文的开头句型,用于提出问题。本句型在替换的时候应当注意的是,the issue of后面必须接名词(可数名词和不可数名词均可)。整个句子的谓语has been的单复数形式不随所替换的名词而变化,而是由issue的单复数决定,即issue才是本句型的真正主语。


* Today an increasing number of people have realized that healthy diet is important.


* It is generally accepted/believed/thought/held that many youngsters are hooked online.


18.It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on...



Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills.




* It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the use of air conditioners, especially in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.


* It is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/accepted/recognized that fast food is popular in China nowadays.


19.Never in Chinese history has the idea been accepted that...




* Never have people accepted such an idea that human beings could control the nature.


* It is never accepted that we human beings should be the master of the earth.


20.These days we are often told that...But is this really the case?


【点睛】本句型是典型的议论文的开头句型,用于反驳给定的观点。当然,本句型也可以用在图表作文中,用于结合图表信息分析现实情况。本句型中需要注意的是,反问句中的case一词含义广泛,可以是“情况”、“案件”、“事情”等;并且it is the case“情况是这样的”是英语中的固定表达,所以疑问句部分不可以随便替换。本句型中可以替换的部分为that引导的宾语从句,因而替换时应当注意从句结构的完整性。


* Now it is commonly held that entering WTO brings us many precious chances, but I doubt whether it would harm our own industries.


* Nowadays people hold it firmly that morning exercises are good for health, but sometimes it isn't totally the case.现在,人们坚信晨练有益健康,但是有时候并非完全如此。

21.There is a growing concern about...




* There is an increasingly worrying issue that youngsters are hooked on the internet.如今,青少年沉迷于网络这个问题让人们越来越担心了。

* People are increasingly worried about the issue that youngsters are hooked on the internet.


22.This article focuses on the topics of...


【点睛】本句型是典型的文章摘要的开头句型。其中,focus on为固定搭配,表示“集中;聚集”。

You should focus your attention on your work.


在替换时应当注意,of后面应该接名词、动名词或名词性短语;of也可以替换为that,其后接定语从句或同位语从句。article一词可以替换为essay, paper等。


* This paper deals with some aspects of quality-oriented education in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) context.



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