
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25

Unit 6


After a brutal election cycle peppered with sexist attacks, a historic slate of women will serve in the 113th Congress. Allison Yarrow on how the winners' response to sexism brought them victory at the polls.

Remember 2008? The race when Tucker Carlson said he involuntarily crossed his legs whenever he caught sight of Hillary Clinton on television. When hecklers screamed “iron my shirt!” at her during a campaign stop. When her clothes and hairstyles were chronicled obsessively in the media.

One “war on women” later, the picture has evolved. When women's groups and activists speak about the exceptional gains made by women in the 113th Congress—a historic 20 Senate seats and at least 76 in the House, with some races still undecided—they won't simply hail the defeat of Tea Party candidates who would overturn Roe v. Wade and slash women's health-care funding. The politicians whom women's groups support didn't just beat candidates who rejected evolution, made incendiary statements about rape, or called the collision of sperm and egg a “person” because those candidates revealed those beliefs to constituents. Instead, the drubbing of anti-women candidates and the triumph of a new cadre of women leaders came about because women acknowledged the sexist attacks and rebutted them before their messages sunk in as truth, according to a partnership that scrutinizes gender bias in elections.

That's a change from 2008, when Clinton did not publicly address the sexism she faced until her concession speech. But speaking out early is how women candidates bounce back from the tremendous bump male opponents gain when they hurl sexist attacks, according to research from pollster Celinda Lake, the Women's Media Center, and the nonpartisan recruitment group She Should Run.

Yes, that's right. Sexist attacks, like other types of negative ads, though supposedly loathed by voters, are launched because they work. Confronting the sexist charge repairs voter confidence and boosts the woman candidate, says Lake, a Democratic pollster who calls the 2012 election “a poster child for sexist comments and sexist coverage.”

In a 2010 study, Lake engaged 800 subjects in a fabricated race between a male and female candidate during which both mild and overt sexism were used. She found that both types of sexism could be equally damaging. A newspaper article labeling the female candidate an “ice queen” could undercut her lead in just the same way as her being called “a prostitute” could. Seven of 10 voters polled said they would be less likely to vote for the fake female candidate after she was called “mean girl,” or worse.

So how did Reps. Todd Akin and Joe Walsh lose on Election Day after making much-publicized comments about rape and abortion and belittling their female opponents? Journalists, groups like Planned Parenthood and Emily's List, and even the Obama campaign took notice, spoke out against the sexism, and spread the message through Nov. 6. The result: Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Rep. -elect Tammy Duckworth of Illinois emerged victorious.

In Wisconsin, an aide to former governor Tommy Thompson suggested his opponent, Tammy Baldwin, was ill-equipped for the U.S. Senate because she is gay and then tweeted a video of Baldwin dancing at a Pride parade. Thompson critics highlighted the prejudice, and Baldwin is now the first openly gay senator in the country.

1. It is historic that a slate of women will serve in the 113th Congress because _____.

[A] the number of women to serve in the 113th Congress has increased a lot

[B] this achieves the exceptional gains made by women in the 113th Congress

[C] this slate of women represents the success of the war against sexism

[D] it defeats Tea Party candidates

2. Though the voters are fed up with sexist attacks, they still launch them because _____.

[A] Sexist attacks can make sense in the election

[B] Sexist attacks affect the confidence of women to take part in the election

[C] Sexist attacks give more possibility for the opponents of women to win in the election

[D] Sexist attacks decrease the ratio of the voters to vote for the women candidates

3. It is a change from 2008 because _____.

[A] there had been no speech about sexism before 2008

[B] Clinton spoke out early on how women candidates bounce back from the tremendous bump male opponents gain when they hurl sexist attacks

[C] Clinton brought sexism to the public

[D] Clinton declared the sexism she experienced the moment she resigned from her position

4. Compared with the anti-sexist, the sexist _____.

[A] made a lot of assaulted speech on women

[B] didn't agree with evolution and made incendiary statements about rape, or called the collision of sperm and egg a “person”

[C] screamed “iron my shirt” at Hillary Clinton during a campaign stop

[D] labeled the women candidates with ill title to undercut their lead

5. The word “overt”(Line 2, Paragraph 6) most probably means _____.

[A] wild

[B] obvious

[C] crude

[D] public




slate n.(选举中的)候选人名单

heckler n. 诘问者,质问者

chronicle v. 记录;将(某物)载入编年史

slash v. 大幅削减

incendiary adj. 煽动的

drub v. 打击

cadre n. 干部;骨干

rebut v. 反驳;驳斥

scrutinize v. 仔细检查

loathe v. 讨厌;厌恶

fabricate v. 编造;虚构

undercut v. 削弱;使降低效率

belittle v. 轻视;小看


①When women's groups and activists speak about the exceptional gains made by women in the 113th Congress—a historic 20 Senate seats and at least 76 in the House, with some races still undecided—they won't simply hail the defeat of Tea Party candidates who would overturn Roe v. Wade and slash women's health-care funding.

主体句式:When..., they won't...

结构分析:这是由when引导的时间状语从句。前面分句中有一个过去分词短语made... 作后置定语,修饰exceptional gains,两个破折号之间的内容是对exceptional gains的解释,其中with也引导了一个状语从句。第二个破折号后面是主句,是由they作主语的简单句,其中who引导的定语从句修饰Tea Party candidates。


② The politicians whom women's groups support didn't just beat candidates who rejected evolution, made incendiary statements about rape, or called the collision of sperm and egg a “person” because those candidates revealed those beliefs to constituents.

主体句式:The politicians...didn't just beat...because...

结构分析:这是一个由“not...because...”引导的原因状语从句。前面的主句中,由whom引导的定语从句修饰主语the politicians,而由who引导的定语从句修饰candidates。后面是由because引导的原因状语从句。



1. It is historic that a slate of women will serve in the 113th Congress because _____.

[A] the number of women to serve in the 113th Congress has increased a lot

[B] this achieves the exceptional gains made by women in the 113th Congress

[C] this slate of women represents the success of the war against sexism

[D] it defeats Tea Party candidates

1. 一份将要在第113届国会中任职的女性候选人名单具有历史意义的原因是_____。

[A] 在第113届国会中任职的女性人数增加了很多

[B] 这达到了女性要在第113届国会上取得特权的目的

[C] 这份女候选人名单代表了反性别歧视战争的胜利

[D] 它击败了茶叶党候选人

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆


2. Though the voters are fed up with sexist attacks, they still launch them because _____.

[A] Sexist attacks can make sense in the election

[B] Sexist attacks affect the confidence of women to take part in the election

[C] Sexist attacks give more possibility for the opponents of women to win in the election

[D] Sexist attacks decrease the ratio of the voters to vote for the women candidates

2. 虽然投票者很厌恶性别歧视攻击,但是他们仍然施行是因为_____。

[A] 性别歧视攻击在竞选中能起到一定作用

[B] 性别歧视攻击影响了女性参与竞选的信心

[C] 性别歧视攻击使女性的竞争对手有了更多的竞选胜算

[D] 性别歧视攻击减少了选女候选人的投票者比例

答案:A 难度系数:☆☆


3. It is a change from 2008 because _____.

[A] there had been no speech about sexism before 2008

[B] Clinton spoke out early on how women candidates bounce back from the tremendous bump male opponents gain when they hurl sexist attacks

[C] Clinton brought sexism to the public

[D] Clinton declared the sexism she experienced the moment she resigned from her position

3. 这是自2008年以来的一项变化,是因为_____。

[A] 2008年之前没有关于性别歧视的言论

[B] 克林顿很早说过,当男性对手发动性别歧视攻击时,女性候选人该怎样从他们强烈的打击中恢复元气

[C] 克林顿把性别歧视引入了公众视线

[D] 克林顿在她辞职时声明了她所经历的性别歧视

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆


4. Compared with the anti-sexist, the sexist _____.

[A] made a lot of assaulted speech on women

[B] didn't agree with evolution and made incendiary statements about rape, or called the collision of sperm and egg a “person”

[C] screamed “iron my shirt” at Hillary Clinton during a campaign stop

[D] labeled the women candidates with ill title to undercut their lead

4. 和反对性别歧视者相比,性别歧视者_____。

[A] 制造了很多侮辱女性的言论

[B] 不赞同进化论,制造有关强奸的煽动性言论,以及认为人是精子和卵子相互碰撞而产生的

[C] 在竞选的间隙向希拉里·克林顿叫嚣“回家给我熨衣服去”

[D] 给女候选人冠以不好的名声以削弱她们的领导权

答案:A 难度系数:☆☆☆


5. The word “overt” (Line 2, Paragraph 6) most probably means _____.

[A] wild

[B] obvious

[C] crude

[D] public

5. 单词“overt”(第六段第二行)最有可能的意思是_____。

[A] 野蛮的

[B] 明显的

[C] 粗鲁的

[D] 公开的

答案:B 难度系数:☆☆

分析:猜词题。根据上下文意思,“overt”所在句子是说莱克进行了一个模拟竞选实验,后一句说她发现两种类型的性别歧视具有同等的破坏性。由此推知,mild and overt sexism是两种截然不同的性别歧视。因此,与mild(轻微的)对应的反义词应该是obvious(明显的),故B选项正确。





这是自2008年以来的一项变化。那时,直到克林顿退出,她都没有公开承认她所面临的性别歧视问题。但是根据民意调查员塞琳达·莱克、女性传媒中心和无党派招募团体“她应该参加竞选(She Should Run)”的调查,克林顿之前却说过当男性对手发动性别歧视攻击时,女性候选人该怎样从他们强烈的打击中恢复元气。



那么在做了那么多关于强奸和堕胎的公众演讲,并公然蔑视他们的女对手后,共和党人托德·埃金和乔·沃尔什在大选当天又是怎样惨败而归的呢? 新闻记者以及像美国计划生育联合会和“艾米莉名单”(Emily's List)这样的团体组织,甚至奥巴马竞选团队都注意到并提出反性别歧视主义,并广泛传播这一思想直到11月6日。结果是密苏里州的参议员克莱尔·麦卡斯基尔以及伊利诺斯州的共和党人塔米·达克沃斯胜利了。



China makes computers, but imports most of its chips. India makes drugs, but copies almost all of the compounds; it writes software, but rarely owns the result. The bolder claims made for all three industries thus have a similar, hollow ring. They have flourished, but mostly on the back of other countries' technology. “We are not at the stage of Intel Inside,” admits Arvind Atignal of Clinigene, a clinical-research firm, drawing his own analogy between desktops and drugs. “We are the keyboard, screens and peripherals.”

How much does this matter? Joseph Xie of SMIC, the Chinese chipmaker, spent seven years working inside Intel. Its strategy, he says, was simple: “Get there first; make most of the money; let the second guy get the change.” That is certainly one way to run a technology firm. But competing in that race is expensive and exhausting. Few of Intel's rivals still try to keep up with it, nanometre by nanometre.

Countries of China's and India's heft and ambition cherish the idea of pushing back the limits of technology. But that push is risky, costly, frustrating work. A country shouldn't do it unless it has to. Although China and India could devote their considerable intellectual resources to solving the problems faced by economies on the technological frontier, why cross that bridge until you reach it? Seen in this light, India's generic drugmakers are models not laggards. They invest in just enough know-how to exploit the rest of the world's discoveries. Thanks to them, Indians enjoy some of the world's cheapest medicines.

Under the WTO's Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights agreement (TRIPS), India has ceded the right to free-ride foreign advances. It now grants 20 years of patent protection to inventions hatched after 1995. In return, it hopes tighter laws will inspire Indians to new exploits in innovation, and reassure foreigners wary of inventing or making original products in the country.

The tougher laws may yet succeed. A recent study by Bruce Abramson of the World Bank expresses high hopes. A “patent chic” is already detectable in the country, he reports. He has even heard of Indian farmers calling lawyers in the hope of patenting their prize vegetables.

But, as yet, the new regime has not proved its worth. Over 17,000 patent applications were filed in India in 2004-05, almost 40% more than the year before. But only 3,500 were by Indians. Of the 49 most prolific filers in the past decade, 44 are either foreign companies or subsidiaries. Of the five Indian firms, all are either government-sponsored institutes or generic-drug companies, which did fine before TRIPS.

The new regime will be costly to run, if India takes it seriously. But the larger cost lies in the opportunities for unabashed imitation that India has now forgone. These lost opportunities might be quite big. Had Indian firms been prevented from copying fluoroquinolones, for example, the Indian public would have been worse off by the equivalent of $255m a year, reckons a study of the antibiotics market by Shubham Chaudhuri of the World Bank, Pinelopi Goldberg of Yale and Panle Jia of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

1. Arvind Atignal draws an analogy between desktops and drugs because _____.

[A] both of them have a similar prospect in China and India


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