
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25

Greg Shopoff是Erb学院的三年级学生,他在科罗拉多学院学习地质学,现在暂时考虑研究环境法。但是他发现法律行业于他的嗜好而言进度太慢,于是选择了商学院。“如果你可以控制商业影响往好的方向发展,”他说,“你就有可能在很短的时间内促成极大的变化。”现在有越来越多的学生与Shopoff的想法一样,而商学院也发现了这种变化。Erb学院的主任Tom Lyon发现,该项目已经从一开始的每年5名新生发展为现在的25名。全国各地的商学院都在开设“共同社会责任”、“竞争环境策略”之类的课程,学院官员称,学生希望有更多有关社会和环境工作的会议、讲座及研讨会。“这一代是在更强的全球化意识中成长起来的,”斯坦福大学社会创新商业中心的Kriss Deighmeier说,“他们明白我们面对的是什么样的问题,希望可以参与解决这些问题。”

在人才市场,越来越多的营利或非营利机构的招聘人员也在寻找这种多面型的人才。在非营利机构中,这种趋势有很好的商业意义。比起前两年,如今营利机构内部资金更为紧张,而非营利机构为了得到更多资金而彼此激烈竞争,同时,为了拿到政府的合同而与营利机构竞争。“10年之前,非营利机构还不明白一个工商管理硕士的价值,”耶鲁大学社会企业管理项目学院主任Sharon Oster说道,“现在工商管理硕士到这些部门工作的机会多了。”




Back in 2000, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, described a grand vision for the future of health care. One day, he said, everyone would have a secure and private website on the Internet on which their doctors could post their “scans, lab results, test results, visit minutes”, and to which the owner could grant certain people access, to view some or all of that information. His ideas met with guffaws from the old lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronic medical records fall flat. America's health sector is simply too balkanised and too paper-based to stitch together easily in digital form. Even Mr. Ballmer conceded back then that he was searching for the “holy grail” of healthcare.

And yet, after years of frustration and furious development work, Microsoft now believes it has realised Mr. Ballmer's dream. On 4th October, the software giant was poised to unveil its new health-information product at a big event in Washington, D.C. It is called the Health Vault, in keeping with Microsoft's promise to make storing data on the Internet just as secure as keeping it in a bank. Health Vault will store all its customers' health data, ranging from test results to doctors' reports to daily measurements of weight or blood pressure, online. Individuals then have access to those records anytime, anywhere, via the Internet—a great boon for those who travel a lot. Medical offices and hospitals who sign up for the service could easily send test results in digital form to the vault, and patients could authorise them in turn to have access to various, carefully circumscribed bits of their personal data.

Microsoft was also set to announce this week that several dozen manufacturers, hospitals and charities have signed up for Health Vault. Big names including the American heart, diabetes and lung associations, the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, and Omron and Texas Instruments, in addition to various firms devoted to the craze for “wellness”, are all now on board, and are expected to announce products and services shortly. If the software giant has really found a hacker-proof way of storing records online, then the benefits of Health Vault are clear. But use of the vaults will be free both for the individuals that sign up for them and for the vendors and doctors that provide services based on the information they contain. So how will Microsoft make any money?

Sean Nolan of Microsoft explains that the business model depends on one thing: targeted search. Microsoft is betting that people will use its Health Vault Search to find out about their ailments. This service relies on an approach known as “vertical search” which attempts to provide more relevant results than generalist search engines like Google and Yahoo!by specialising in a particular field. The firm's recent acquisition of Medstory, a vertical-search engine focusing on health care, has given it a boost in this area.

Health Vault's search engine would definitely work better than those of rival sites if it could examine users' health records and past queries, and thus provide the responses that are most relevant to each individual's situation. But in order to attract any users in the first place, Microsoft has promised to enforce strict privacy rules. These would preclude such data-mining.

1. The old lags of the industry did not think highly of Ballmer's scheme because _____.

[A] Ballmer's scheme sounded too fantastic and far-fetched to be true

[B] Ballmer lacked technology proof to back up his ideas

[C] They had witnessed too many failures of attempts to realize such schemes

[D] America's health sector is too stubborn and is reluctant to change for the digital

2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of Health Vault?

[A] Individuals can have access to the medical records of anybody anytime via the Internet.

[B] Those who travel a lot will greatly benefit from services of Health Vault.

[C] Hospitals who sign up for the service could improve their efficiency by Health Vault.

[D] Health Vault is a software invented by Microsoft.

3. The main problem Health Vault faces is _____.

[A] that it will be difficult for Vault to make profit during the beginning phase

[B] that the software may be trapped in the dilemma of customer privacy and convenient data search

[C] that it has to adopt the “vertical search” which is not the company's strength

[D] that Microsoft does not have powerful search engines as Google and Yahoo! do

4. Microsoft will make money in Health Vault by _____.

[A] attracting customers by the enforcement of strict privacy rules

[B] providing a charging platform for the communication of patients and hospitals

[C] cooperating with big hospitals and charities by providing useful customer information

[D] providing highly specialized service with high efficiency

5. Compared with Google and Yahoo!, the advantage of Health Vault Search is _____.

[A] that its technology far advanced that of the other two

[B] that it is more effective for those who need a special aspect of information

[C] that it specializes on the information of ailment diagnosis

[D] that its business model is more promising and profitable




guffaw n. 哄笑

balkanise v. 使割据,使分裂而削弱

poised adj. 泰然自若的

boon n. 福利

circumscribe vt. 确定;限制

ailment n. 疾病


① One day, he said, everyone would have a secure and private website on the Internet on which their doctors could post their “scans, lab results, test results, visit minutes”, and to which the owner could grant certain people access, to view some or all of that information.

主体句式:..., he said, everyone would have a... website... on which..., and to which...

结构分析:本句中含有一个宾语从句,在从句中两个which引导的定语从句都用来修饰website;在which引导的后一个定语从句中,to view...是目的状语。


② Big names including the American heart, diabetes and lung associations, the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, and Omron and Texas Instruments, in addition to various firms devoted to the craze for “wellness”, are all now on board, and are expected to announce products and services shortly.

主体句式:Big names..., are all now on board, and are...

结构分析:这是一个简单句,有两个并列的谓语。在主语中,including...作big names的定语。



1. The old lags of the industry did not think highly of Ballmer's scheme because _____.

[A] Ballmer's scheme sounded too fantastic and far-fetched to be true

[B] Ballmer lacked technology proof to back up his ideas

[C] They had witnessed too many failures of attempts to realize such schemes

[D] America's health sector is too stubborn and is reluctant to change for the digital

1. 该行业的老古董们并不看好Ballmer的方案,是因为 _____。

[A] Ballmer的方案听起来过于奇异和牵强,不像是真的

[B] Ballmer缺乏技术证据来支持他的想法

[C] 他们已经目睹了太多尝试实现类似方案的失败

[D] 美国的医疗部门过于顽固,不愿意改用数字技术

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆


2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of Health Vault?

[A] Individuals can have access to the medical records of anybody anytime via the Internet.

[B] Those who travel a lot will greatly benefit from services of Health Vault.

[C] Hospitals who sign up for the service could improve their efficiency by Health Vault.

[D] Health Vault is a software invented by Microsoft.

2. 关于“健康库”,下列哪个陈述是不正确的?

[A] 个人可以通过网络在任何时间看到任何人的医疗记录。

[B] 经常外出的人会极大地受益于“健康库”的服务。

[C] 签约了该服务的医院可以通过“健康库”提高其效率。

[D] “健康库”是微软公司开发的一个软件。

答案:A 难度系数:☆


3. The main problem Health Vault faces is _____.

[A] that it will be difficult for Vault to make profit during the beginning phase

[B] that the software may be trapped in the dilemma of customer privacy and convenient data search

[C] that it has to adopt the “vertical search” which is not the company's strength

[D] that Microsoft does not have powerful search engines as Google and Yahoo! do

3. “健康库”面对的最主要的问题在于 _____。

[A] 在开始阶段很难赢利

[B] 该软件容易陷入保护客户隐私和进行方便的数据搜索的两难境地

[C] 该软件需要使用“垂直搜索”,但这项技术不是公司的强项

[D] 微软没有像谷歌和雅虎那样强大的搜索引擎

答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆


4. Microsoft will make money in Health Vault by _____.

[A] attracting the customers by the enforcement of strict privacy rules

[B] providing a charging platform for the communication of patients and hospitals

[C] cooperating with big hospitals and charities by providing useful customer information

[D] providing highly specialized service with high efficiency

4. 微软将通过 _____ 在“健康库”上赚钱。

[A] 实施严格的隐私保护条例来吸引客户

[B] 向顾客提供一个收费的平台,使病人和医院能在这个平台上交流

[C] 与大的医院和慈善机构合作,向其提供有用的客户信息

[D] 以高效的方式提供高度专业化的服务

答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆


5. Compared with Google and Yahoo!, the advantage of Health Vault Search is _____.

[A] that its technology far advances that of the other two

[B] that it is more effective for those who need a special aspect of information

[C] that it specializes on the information of ailment diagnosis

[D] that its business model is more promising and profitable

5. 与谷歌和雅虎相比较,“健康库搜索”的优势在于 _____。

[A] 它的技术比其他两家的更加先进

[B] 它在搜索一个专门领域的信息方面更加有效

[C] 它专注于提供疾病诊断的信息

[D] 它的商业模式更加有前景和赢利能力

答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆☆



早在2000年,微软公司的首席执行官Steve Ballmer就未来的医疗保健状况描绘了一幅灿烂的前景图。他说,有那么一天,每个人在互联网上都会拥有一个安全的私人网站,医生可以将他们的“扫描图、化验结果、检查结果、来访时间”等信息上传到网站上,而用户自己也可以赋予某些人访问的权利,使他们可以看到部分或全部信息。他的想法却被该行业的老古董们所耻笑,这些老古董目睹过许多电子健康记录方案的失败。美国的卫生机构过于分散,且工作都在纸上进行,要以电子形式将其连接起来实在不容易。甚至Ballmer先生也有所退缩,他觉得自己是在寻找医疗保健的“圣杯”。



微软的Sean Nolan解释说,这种商业模式取决于一点:目标搜索。微软坚信,人们会使用其“健康库搜索”来找到与他们疾病相关的内容。该服务依赖于一种名为“垂直搜索”的方法,该方法专注于某一专业领域,试图提供比谷歌和雅虎等通用搜索引擎更为接近的相关结果。微软新近并购了Medstory,这个垂直搜索引擎专门针对医疗保健领域,它在这方面给了微软强有力的支持。



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