
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-07-31


  strategic partnership


  President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the eighthministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People. Xi announced that China and Arab countries had agreed to establish a "future-oriented strategic partnership of comprehensive cooperation and common development."


  Here are the highlights of Xi's speech.



  Xi said that China-Arab cooperation declaration will be signed for the Belt and Road Initiative.


  He said the initiative has garnered great support from the Arab world and China stands ready to work with Arab states on the initiative.


  "Arab states are natural partners of China," Xi said.



  Xi pledged that China will provide $20 billion in loans to help Arab states in economic reconstruction.


  China will help Arab states with transportation infrastructure, speed up cooperation in oil and gas, finance, high-tech fields, the digital economy and artificial intelligence, Xi said.


  China will also build financial platform for industrial cooperation.



  China plans to import goods worth over $8 trillion from Arab states in five years and this would bring huge opportunities to Arab states, Xi said.


  China will press ahead with FTA talks with Arab states and invite hundreds of Arab elites to China over the next three years, Xi said.



  "一带一路"倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative

  天然合作伙伴 natural partner

  金融平台 financial platform

  数字经济 digital economy


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