
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-04-10

The barbed, opinionated female columnist, rushing to judgment on everything and everybody, was a uniquely American contribution to the craft of journalism, untill it crossed the Atlantic in the late 1960s.
She thrived in the celebrity culture that emerged in the late 20th century because it gave her a large and rapicly changing cast of heroes and villains to write about.
She railed against hypocrisy, pretentiousness and self-regard, while lauding modesty, fidelity, decency, and achievement.

China's 25-Year Achievement Of The Economic Reform Program And The Opening Up To The Outside World
   Though China has scored impressive achievements in its development, we must not lose sight of our problems: overpopulation, a weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and the fairly sharp contradictions between the country's ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other.
China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks well behind the 100th place in the world. To realize China's modernization program and offer all the Chinese people a prosperous life there is yet an uphill battle to fight.
We have already set our vision for the first 20 years of this century, which involves the building of a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefit of well over one billion Chinese people. By 2020 the GDP will be quadrupled from the figure of 2000 to 4 trillion US dollars, with the per capita level averaging at 3,000 US dollars. By then the nation will be immersed in an ambience of greater social harmony with an improved quality of life for the people, featuring a more developed economy, more sound democracy, more thriving culture and more advanced science and education.
    Though China has scored impressive achievements in its development, we must not lose sight of our problems: overpopulation, a weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and the fairly sharp contradictions between the country's ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other.
China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks well behind the 100th place in the world. To realize China's modernization program and offer all the Chinese people a prosperous life there is yet an uphill battle to fight.
We have already set our vision for the first 20 years of this century, which involves the building of a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefit of well over one billion Chinese people. By 2020 the GDP will be quadrupled from the figure of 2000 to 4 trillion US dollars, with the per capita level averaging at 3,000 US dollars. By then the nation will be immersed in an ambience of greater social harmony with an improved quality of life for the people, featuring a more developed economy, more sound democracy, more thriving culture and more advanced science and education.
I've got more sentences from a passage entitled Aragat, Father and Leader of Palestinian Nationalism
1. Yasir Arafat, who died this morning in Paris, was the wily and enigmatic father of Palestinian nationalism. He was 75
2. Mr Afafat assumed many poses, but the image that endures was that of the Arab fighter , the guerrilla in olive-green military fatigues and his tradewark checkered head scarf.
1.wily: Full of wiles; cunning, sly 老谋深算的,诡计多端的
2.enigmatic: Of or resembling an enigma; puzzling 谜一般的
2  阿拉法特一生中有过很多的形象,但永不磨灭的那个是作为阿拉伯战士的形象,一个穿着橄榄绿军装和戴着他那标志性的方格头巾的游击队员的形象。
Among all categories of translation, simultaneous interpretation is the hardest.
Amid the tense atmosphere of international conference, it is difficult to listen to the speaker and interpret his words simultaneously.
To acquire such skills, one is required to have the following qualifications: solid foundation of both Chinese and English, proficient English listening and speaking, good pronunciation and intonation of both languages, quick-wittedness, quick response, a genuine interest in international affairs, and encyclopedic knowledge.
So Students will be admitted mainly based on their performance in the second round of the test.
Examinees can prepare for the exam on their own according to the requirement.
The test of Translation from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English is given by GSTI. The test aims at testing examinees' translation ability. Translation theories will not be tested.
The English proficiency test is given by the English Department. Candidates for GSTI and the English Department will take the same proficiency test.

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