
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Directions: Translate the following words, phrases, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30’)

1. liberal translation

2.MT .

3. foreignizalion


5. CPU

6. Handle with Care

7. telecon

8. Lot Number

9. keep cool

10. National People’s Congress

11. New York Times

12. Jane Eyre

13. ISO

14. clockwise

15. key drive

16. 基督教






22. 勿踏草地

23. 申请表

24. 《中庸》

25. 经济措施

26. 翻译的标准

27. 发票号

28. 目的港

29. 经济特区

30. 仲裁

II. Directions: Translate the following three source texts into their target language respectively. (120‘)Source Text 1:

The two registers ot commerce and journalism-^neet in the language of advertising. The advertiser sees his product through rose-coloured spectacles, and the public for whom he caters gets into the way of making allowances for his pptimism When a restaurant advertises a lunch consisting of “rich golden-brown seafood with superfine French fried potatoes as a side-dish”,a few moments of thoughts are needed before the customer realises that what he has been offered is in fact fish and chips. Advertisements offering property for sale have become notorius for their use of genteel euphemisms. If you bang your head whenever you go upstairs, it is some consolation to know that you have bought “a dwelling house of character59. On toiling up a steep hill to reach the house, you may remember that the advertisement said “the site is pleasantly elevated”,and if you have some difficulty in finding the house at all,that simply confirms the advertiser’s statement that it is ”delightfully secluded in a unique caway from it all’ position”. (169 words)

[Key words]


Source Text 2:

Sir Ernest Gowers, who cannot be accused of excessive tenderness towards verbosity, defends that of legal documents:

“ It is the duty of a draftsman of these authoritative texts to try to imagine every possible combination of circumstances to which his words might apply and every conceivable misinterpretation that might be put on them5 and to take precautions accordingly. He must avoid all graces,not be afraid of repetitions, or even of identifying them by aforesaids\ he must eschew all pronouns when their antecedents might possibly be open to dispute and generally avoid every possible grammatical ambiguity.” (97 words)

[Key words]

Sir Ernest Gowers:欧内斯特·高尔斯爵士,verbosity:冗长的话,

Source Text 3:

方言是一群具有某些共同的非语言特征的人所使用的一种语言的次类。我们难以找到 一个能够准确区分方言和语言的定义,因为方言和语言的区别不是绝对的,任何刻板的定 义都是不确切的。

英国英语和美国英语是同一语言的两种方言,这一点似乎是很清楚的。各国所使用的 各种不同的英语跟英国英语一样,都是同一语言的地方方言,为方便起见都被称为英语。

但是,有些语言的变体既不能和社会团体联系起来,也不能和个人联系起来,而只能 和使用的场合联系起来。这种变体叫作语域,它们在言语中的重要性终于开始被人们认识 到了。语域的研究可以当作是在使用语言的语境中考察语言。

[Key words]



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