
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Direction: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)





5. FDI


7. GPS

8. CAD

9. trade liberalization

10. the movement for women’s rights

11. exclusivism

12. crony capitalism

13.brain drain

14. law of the jungle

15. market access




19, 无形资产

20. 保函











II. Directions s Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120’) .Source text 1:

Although his authoritarian streak was well known, Mr Jobs was nevertheless good at attracting talent. Jonathan Ive, Apple’s design guru, Phil Schiller,its marketing leader, Scott Forstall, the head of its mobile-software operation and Mr Cook, the firm’s new chief executive and former chief operating officer,are all world-class managers. When he was asked how he chose members of his team, Mr Jobs said he always looked for bright and competent people. But more important, he added, was to find people who cared a great deal about precisely the same things that mattered to him.

The strength of Apple’s senior team is one reason that the firm’s share price barely flinched when news emerged last month that Mr Jobs was relinquishing his role as chief executive and becoming executive chairman.Another is that he left it in an extremely good position to take advantage of changes sweeping through the world of technology (see our special report this week). Under his guidance, Apple has developed not just amazing hardware, but also “cloud” based services such as its iTunes online music store and its new“iCloud” service, which allows people to store all sorts of content on Apple’s servers and access it on all sorts of devices.

Perhaps the most striking thing about Mr Jobs’s reign, however, was his ability to see beyond the business that rivals were fixated on. For years,Apple relied on its Macintosh computers to generate much of its revenue. But in2007 the company dropped the word “Computer” from its name and Mr Jobs began telling anyone who would listen that the world was entering a post-PC era in which all sorts of computing devices would be used, some of which would eclipse the PC. Rivals pooh-poohed such pronouncements. But now many are struggling to adapt to a market in which smartphones and tablet computers have become wildly popular.

Another striking—and often under appreciated—aspect of Mr Jobs’s success was his ability to say no. At a company like Apple, thousands of ideas bubble up each year for new products and services that it could launch.The hardest thing for its leader is to decide which ones merit attention. Mr Jobs had an uncanny knack of winnowing out the wheat from the mountains of chaff.

It remains to be seen whether his disciples who are now running the show can make equally smart choices, and whether Apple will be able to prosper without its magician-in-chief at the helm. The lukewarm response to this week’s launch of its new iPhone 4S should give some cause for concern. Without Mr Jobs, Apple suddenly looked much more like just another technology firm, rather than a producer of magical products that excite the world. With Google and its allies chasing it in smartphones, and Amazon’s launch of a bold new tablet computer,Apple faces serious competition for the first time in the new markets it has created.

[key words]

uncanny: 异乎寻常的;超常的;.出乎意料的;非凡的 ?


参考译文:虽然乔布斯的专制特征众人皆知,他却非常善于吸引人才:苹果的设计领袖Jonathan Ive,市场头领Phil Schiller,移动软件运营首脑Scott Forstall,以及苹果的新首席执行官并前任首席执行官库克先生,这些人全部都是世界级的管理者。当被问及他是如何选择团队成员的时候,乔布斯说他总 是寻找聪明而又称职的人选。但更加重要的是,他补充道,要找到那些与他志同道合的人。

苹果高层的强大阵容是上个月乔布斯卸任首席 执行官职务转而担任执行总裁时苹果的股价甚至几乎没有哆嗦一下的原因之一。另一个原因则是他离开时的苹果已经处于一个极其有利的地位,它可以借变化之势横 扫科技世界(请见本周我们的特别报道)。在他的带领下,苹果开发出的已经不仅仅是举世惊叹的硬件,还有基于“云技术”的服务,比如iTunes在线音乐商 店,及其新的”iCloud”服务——这项服务可以使人们将任何信息都存储在苹果服务器上,并且在任何设备上调取它们。

乔布斯帝国中最引 人瞩目的或许是他卓尔不群的前瞻性。在很多年里,苹果机电脑都是苹果公司大部分收入的来源。但是2007年,这家公司却将“电脑”这个词从其产品的名称中 抹去。乔布斯开始向那些愿意倾听的人宣扬,这世界将走入“后个人计算机时代”,在这个时代中,各种计算设备都将发挥电脑的作用,其中一些设备将使个人计算 机黯然失色。他的竞争对手们对他这种说法嗤之以鼻。而如今,他们中很多人又开始挣扎着适应这个智能手机和掌上电脑已经风靡的市场。



Source text 2:


[key words].国家变应性疾病和传染病研究所 the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

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