
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Directions: Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into Chinese. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one point for each, (15 points)

1.WMO: 世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organisation)

2. BRICs:金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度及中国)

3.IOS :国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)

4. GATT: 关贸总协定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

5. NATO:北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

6. WHO: 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

7. ILO:国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)

8. Nanotechnology:纳米技术

9. International Telecommunications Union:国际电信联盟

10. United Nation Children’s Fund:联合国儿童基金会

11. computemik

12. Reuters:路透社(英国)

13. World Intellectual Property Organization:世界知识产权组织

14. Transliteration:音译

15. Foreignizing:异化

II Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into English There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test’ with one point for each, (15 points)

1.经济适用房:affordable housing

2.节能减排:energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction

3.低碳经济:low-carbon economy

4.物联网: Internet of Things

5.创业板:Growth Enterprises Market

6.综合国力:comprehensive national strength;overall national strength

7.复合型人才:interdisciplinary talent

8.全国人民代表大会:National People’s Congress

9.锐意进取:forge ahead with determination

10.自主创新能力:capacity for independent innovation

11.建设生态文明:promote a conservation culture

12.科技成果产业化: the application of scientific and technological

13.节能环保汽车:energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles

14.文化体制改革:reform of cultural administrative system; cultural restructuring

15.全方位外交:multi-faceted diplomacy

III. Directions: Translate the following source text into Chinese. (60 points)

They were in great-coats with scarves and comforters round their necks, and hats or caps drawn well down; and they sat mostly in dejected attitudes, bending forward, their hands resting on the handles of their sticks,some with their chins on their hands, but all gazed in one direction over the cold grey sea. Strangers to each other, unlike in life and character, coming from widely separated places,some probably from countries beyond the ocean, yet all here,silently gazing in one direction beyond that rocky foreland, with the same look of infinite weariness on their grey faces and in their dim sad eyes, as if one thought and feeling and motive had drawn them to this spot. Can it be that the sentiment or fancy which is sown in our minds in childhood and lies asleep and forgotten in us through most of our years, revives and acquires towards the end a new and strange significance when we have entered upon our second childhood? The period, I mean, when we recover our ancient mental possession—the heirlooms which cannot be alienated or lost, which have descended to us from our remotest progenitors through centuries and thousands of years. These old men cannot see the objects which appear to younger eyes — the distant passing ships, and the landthat dim,broken line,as of a low cloud on the horizon, of the islands: their sight is altered from what it was, yet is, perhaps, now able to discern things invisible to us一 other uncharted islands. What are they, these other islands, and what do we know of them? Nothing at all; indeed, nothing can be known to the generality; only these old men,sitting on rocks and gazing at vacancy, might enlighten us if they would.

Undoubtedly there are differences of sight among them which would make their descriptions vary,but they would probably all agree in affirming that the scene before them has no resemblance to the earlier vision. This grey-faced very old man with his chin on his hands, who looks as if he had not smiled these many years, would perhaps smile now if he were to recall that former vision, which came by teaching and served well enough during his hot youth and strenuous middle age.

IV Directions: Translate the following source text into English. (60 points)

中国政府充分认识到互联网对于加国民经济发展、推动科学技术进步和加速社会服 务信息化进程的不可替代作用,高度重视并积极促进互联网的发展与运用。中国政府把发展互联网作为推进国家信息化建设、实现经济社会科学发展、提高科技创新能力和人们生 活质量的重要手段;积极营造有利于互联网发展的政策、法规和市场环境;通过完善国家 信息网络基础设施、建设国家重点信息网络工程、鼓励相关科技研发、大力培养信息技术 人才等举措,不断推动中国互联网持续健康快速发展,满足人们日益增长的信息消费需求。

中国政府将不断完善互联网发展与管理政策,使其更加符合互联网发展与管理的内在 规律及客观需要。在实践中,中国政府十分注重借鉴各国发展与管理互联网的有益经验, 并愿与世界各国一道共同促进世界互联网的繁荣发展。


真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供

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