
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I.?Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into Chinese. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (20 points)

1.DDN: 数字数据服务(Defense Data Service)

2. HDTV:高清晰度电视(high-definition TV)

3. SCI? :科学引文索引(Science Citation Index)

4. IDD:国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)

5.APEC:亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

6. PNTR:永久正常贸易关系(Permanent Normal Trade Relations)

7. VAT: 增值税(Value Added Tax)

8. CPI:居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)

9. CAC:食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission)

10. World Conservation Union:世界自然保护联盟

11. financing vehicle:融资平台

12. Home services industry:家政服务业

13. Global positioning system:全球定位系统

14. International Federation of Translators:国际译联

15. Domesticating:驯化

16. The Financial Times:金融时报

17. The Daily Telegraph:每日电讯报

18. Group of Eight:八国集团

19. International Federation for Information and Documentation: 国际文献与信息联合会

20. Asia Pacific Internet Research Alliance:亚太互联网研究联盟

II. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into English. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (20 points)

1.行政问责:administrative accountability

2.生态友好城市:ecologically friendly city

3.节能减排:energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction

4.胶囊公寓:capsule apartment

5.超级网银:super online banking system; Super-Internet-Bank

6.拳头产品:competitive product ; hit product

7.复合型人才:interdisciplinary talent

8.泡沫经济:bubble economy

9.替代疗法:alternative therapy

10.探月工程:lunar exploration program

11.以人为本:people oriented; Put People First

12.提高全民环保意识:raise environmental awareness amongst the general public

13.学生减负:reduce study load

14.安居工程:affordable housing project

15.形象小姐/先生:image representative of a product or a brand

16.风险投资:venture capital

17.超生人口:exrta birth

18.技术转让协议:Technology transfer agreement

19.翻译质量评估:translation quality assessment

20.全球化顾问:Globalization Consultant

III. Direction: Translate the following source text into Chinese. (55 points)

Add a comma to the present clause, and, of a sudden, the mind is, quite literally, given pause to think; take it out if you wish or forget it and the mind is deprived of a resting place. Yet still the comma gets no respect. It seems just a slip of a thing, a pedant’s tick, a blip on the edge of our consciousness, a kind of printer’s smudge almost. Small, we claim, is beautiful. Yet what is so often used,and so rarely called, as the comma — unless it be breath itself?

Punctuation becomes the signature of cultures. The hot-blooded Spaniard seems to be revealed in the passion and urgency of his doubled exclamation points and question marks, while the passive Chinese traditionally added to his so-called inscrutability by omitting directions from his ideograms.

Punctuation is something more than a culture’s birthmark; it scores the music in our minds, gets our thoughts moving to the rhythm of our hearts. Punctuation is the notation in the sheet music of our words,telling us when to rest, or when to raise our voices; it acknowledges that the meaning of our discourse, as of any symphonic composition, lies not only in the units but in the pause,the pacing and the phrasing.

Sometimes our markings may be simply a matter of aesthetics. Popping in a comma can be like slipping on the necklace that gives an outfit quiet elegance,or like catching the sound of running water that complements as it completes the silence of a Chinese landscape.

Thus a comma gives us breath and heft and depth. A world that has only periods is a world without inflections- It is a world without shade. It is a music without sharps and flats. It is a martial music. It has a jackboot rhythm. Words cannot bend and curve. A comma, by comparison, catches the gentle drift of the mind in thought,turning in on itself and back on itself,reversing, redoubling and returning along the course of its own sweet river music.

IV Directions: Translate the following source text into English. (55 points)

全面加强人才工作。以高层次和高技能人才为重点,加快培养造就一大批创新型科技 入才和急需紧缺人才。加大入才开发投入,推进重大人才工程。深化选人用人制度改革, 努力营造平等公开、竞争择优的制度和社会环境,激励优秀人才脱颖而出,创造人尽其才 的良好局面。

中国政府坚持“支持留学、鼓励回国、来去自由”的留学方针,努力拓宽留学渠道, 积极吸引人才回国,为留学人员回国工作、为国服务、回国创业提供支持,创造良好的生 活和工作环境。中国积极利用国际教育培训资源培养人才,实施领导干部经济管理培训项 目、高级公务员海外培训项目等培训计划。中国政府积极引进国外专家,2009年来中国 大陆工作的境外专家约48万人次。2009年末持外国人就业证在中国工作的外国人共22.3 万人。截至2009年底,中国累计授予1099名外国专家“友谊奖”,授予43名外国专家“国 际科学技术合作奖”。


真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供

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