
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, 10 in English and 10 in Chinese, with two points for each.(40 points)

1. CTO


3. ECM?

4. CUN

5. SAT

6. big-budget movie

7. paid maternity leave

8. regional hegemonism

9. click fraud

10. trade sanction











II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(50 points)

How does the stock market affect business investment? There are three direct effects. One is that the market has traditionally served as a general barometer of the expectations of the business-minded community as a whole. We say “Business-minded” rather than “business” because the demand for, and supply of, securities mainly comes from securities dealers, stockbrokers, and the investing public, rather than from nonfinancial business enterprises themselves. When the market is buoyant, it has been a signal to business that the “business climate” is favorable, and the effect on what Keynes called the “animal spirits” of executives has been to encourage them to go ahead with expansion plans. When the market is falling, on the other hand, spirits tend to be dampened, and executives may think twice before embarking on an expansion program in the face of general pessimism.

This traditional relationship is however, greatly lessened by the growing power of government to influence the trend of economic events. Business once looked to the market as the key signal for the future. Today it looks to Washington. Hence, during the past decade when the stock market has shown wide swings, business investment in plant and equipment has remained basically steady. This reflects the feeling of corporate managers that government policy will keep the economy growing, whatever “the market” may think of events.

III. Translate the following passage into English(60 points)

实现十八大提出的奋斗目标,全面建成小康社会、顺利实现现代化, 基础在教育、重点在农村。从一定意义上说,农村教育是兴国之基、惠民 之要,关乎经济社会发展全局,关乎社会公平正义。九年义务教育是人生 连续受教育时间最长的阶段,是打牢人生基础的关键阶段,对人的发展和 未来幸福具有决定性影响。在义务教育阶段,农村学校占全国85%以上, 农村学生占全国70%以上,覆盖了同龄学生的大多数。因此,办好农村教 育,直接关系2020年教育现代化目标的实现。农村义务教育还是城乡统 筹发展的连接点,只有为数以亿计的农村孩子提供公平而有质量的义务教 育,才能缩小城乡差距,实现社会公平;才能为工业化、信息化、城镇化、 农业现代化同步发展提供人才支撑,全面建成小康社会。习近平总书记在 十八大之后到河北阜平考察时讲,“下一代要过上好生活,首先要有文化。 义务教育一定要搞好,让孩子们受到好的教育”。可以说,农村义务教育 重中之重的地位怎么强调都不为过。


真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供

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