
本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网/2017-06-04

I. Phrase Translation


CBD:?中央商务区(Central Business District);?交货前付款(Cash Before Delivery)

MBA:?工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)

GPS:?全球定位系统(Global Positioning System) ?

VAT:?增值税(value added tax)

SUV:?运动型多功能车(Sports Utility Vehicle)

LCD:?液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display)



Wal-Mart Store:??沃尔玛;沃尔玛商店

trade deficit:?贸易逆差

currency appreciation:货币升值

marine ecosystems: ?海洋生态系统

aircraft carrier:?航空母舰

European sovereign debt crisis:?欧洲主权债务危机;欧洲债务危机

中国达人秀:?China’s Got Talent; China Talent Show

三农问题:?issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area;??issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers

国际惯例:?international practice

载人航天飞行:?manned space flight

物流:? logistics

无党派人士:?nonparty personage ;?a public figure without party affiliation

外汇储备:?foreign exchange reserve

无息贷款:?interest-free loan

国际航运中心:?international shipping centre


保险索赔:?insurance claim

物权法:?Property Law; Law of Property

劳动密集型产业:?labor-intensive industry

物业公司:?property management company; Property management

内向型经济:?domestically-oriented economy

II. Passage translationSection A English to Chinese

Companies now realize that viruses aren’t “urban myths”, and can have a serious impact on their operations. They invest in anti-virus software on the desktops, servers and email gateways and even put in place procedures to ensure their anti-virus is up-to-date with the very latest detection routines.  ?

 It sounds like companies have put in place adequate defenses to protect against viruses. But have they? ?

 Anti-virus software detects most of the viruses your users are likely to encounter – often without the user even knowing. However, the software must be updated regularly, preferably daily in any large company. Even then, a very new virus can infect your users. With the rapid transmission of files through networks and the Internet, a virus can spread a considerable distance before it can be identified and protected against. Fortunately, only a few viruses ever do this but the likes of Melissa and the Love Bug can inflict serious damage before their progress is stopped. Whilst employees become suddenly aware during the ensuing media excitement, they soon forget about the virus threat as the stories disappear from the news headlines. 

Section B Chinese to English




上海海事大学?2011-2013 翻译硕士 真题下载:百度云

真题来源:互联网 ? 短语翻译答案由mtizt.com提供

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