
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-01-09

4. Writing an opening paragraph
An opening paragraph usually consists of two parts: opening part and thesis statements.
1) Functions of an opening paragraph:
  Attract readers’ interest.
  Present your thesis.
2) Five useful ways to write an opening paragraph
(1) Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement. (from a broad topic to your thesis)
(2) Use an incident or a brief story. (from a brief story to your thesis)
(3) Start with an idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. (from an opposite idea or situation to your thesis)
(4) Ask one or more questions (from a question(s) to your thesis)
(5) Use a quotation (from a quotation to your thesis)

5. Writing supporting paragraphs
1) Three bases for writing a supporting paragraph:
(1) Support (adequate and specific)(论据充分性)
(2) Coherence(连贯性)
(a)Transitional words:
Type 1: Addition signals are used to show accumulation.
Type 2: Time Signals are used to show sequence.
Type 3: Space signals are used to show location.
Type 4: Change of direction signals are used to show contrast.
Type 5: Illustration signals are used to show examples.
Type 6: Conclusion signals are used to show consequence.
(b) Transitional sentences
(c) Other collecting words:
Repeated words
(3) Unity(一致性)
(a) Make all of the topic sentences in the supporting paragraphs related to the thesis.
(b) Make all of the major supporting points related to the topic sentences in each supporting paragraph.
(c) Make all of the minor supporting points related to the major supporting points in each supporting paragraph.

2) Patterns of Organization:
(1) Time order (chronological order) (按时间顺序排列) 
(2) Climactic order (order of importance) (按重要性顺序排列)
(3) Space order(按空间顺序排列)
6. Writing an concluding paragraph
Four effective ways will be introduced
(1) End with a summary and a final thought.
Restate your major points raised in your thesis, but do not repeat them.
(2) End with a recommendation
(3) End with a prediction
(4) End with a thought-provoking question or questions.

7. Sentence Skills
1) Three types of fragments:
2)Run-on sentences (乱加从句的冗长句子)
A run-on sentence is a string of words with two subordinate clauses that are run together without proper punctuation.
3)Dangling modifiers (垂悬结构)
40a. *Carrying a heavy pile of books, her foot caught on the step.
41a. *To get up early, the clock was set at six.
42a. *At the age of five, my dad taught me about cars.
43a. *To improve his result, the experiment was done again.

41b. To get up early, I set the clock at six.
42b. When I was five, my dad taught me about cars.
43b. He improved his result by doing the experiment again.
But some set phrases and absolute constructions are not dangling modifiers.
44. To be frank, I do not think he is the right man for the job.
45. Generally speaking, at this age, girls are more mature than boys.
46. The majority approving of the project, he had to give in.
4) Parallelism  (并行关系)
50a. *I took a bath, sleeping, and waking up refreshed.
51a. *The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and preparing carefully for exams.
52a. *In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than to start at eighteen.

Correct sentences:
50b. I took a bath, went to sleep, and woke up refreshed.
51b. The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and to prepare carefully for exams.
52b. In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than starting at eighteen.
5) Mixed construction
53a. *The most valued trait in an employee is a person who is loyal.
54a. *Indigestion is when you cannot digest food.
55a. *By taking a No.70 bus is one way to get to our university.
56a. *The reason I enjoy horseback riding is because it provides outdoor exercise.
57a. *There are many people move to USA.

Correct sentences:
53b. The most valued trait in an employee is loyalty.
54b. Indigestion is the inability to digest food.
55b. You can get to our university by taking a No.70 bus.
56b. I enjoy horseback riding because it provides outdoor exercise.
57b. There are many people who move to USA.

Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoy. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or with the reward of a bit of revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims. But to let them know that you are upset about something they are doing. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersom coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.


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