
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-01-02

13. The film received the CICAE Art House Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, tiie Jury Prize at the Deauville International Film Festival, and Special Mention for Excellence in Filmmaking from the National Board of Review. 戛纳电影节
14. Telecom service providers allege that WeChat and other over-the-top (OTT) content service providers should pay for generating excessive data flows, sometimes leading to traffic jams in signaling channels. 过多的;过份;过度
15.Tencent, China’s largest instant messaging service provider, was accused of abusing its dominant market position in the case filed by Qihoo 360, an anti-virus software company. 被指控滥用其市场支配地位
Section C: English to Chinese Translation
Directions: Read the following texts carefully and translate them into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. (60 points)
Text 1 (30 points)
As foreseen in last year’s issue of this report, the world economy weakened considerably. A growing number of developed economies, especially in Europe, have already fallen into a
double-dip recession, while those facing sovereign debt distress moved even deeper into recession. Many developed economies are caught in downward spiraling dynamics from high unemployment, weak aggregate demand compounded by fiscal austerity, high public debt burdens, and financial fragility.
The economic woes of the developed countries are spilling over to developing countries and economies in transition through weaker demand for their exports and heightened volatility in capital flows and commodity prices. The larger developing economies also face home-grown problems, however, with some (including China) facing much weakened investment demand because of financing constraints in some sectors of the economy and excess production capacity elsewhere. Most low-income countries have held up relatively well so far, but are now also facing intensified adverse spillover effects from the slowdown in both developed and major middle-income countries. The prospects for the next two years continue to be challenging, fraught with major uncertainties and risks slanted towards the downside. (182 words) Text 2 (30 points) China will launch two new pilot carbon trading schemes this week in Beijing and Shanghai as it strives to cut soaring rates of greenhouse gas, reduce choking smog and determine the best system for a nationwide roll-out.
China has pledged to cut the 2005 rate of CO2 emissions per unit of GDP growth by 40-45 percent by 2020. As UN-led climate talks stumbled in Warsaw last week, the country’s chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua was keen to push the country’s CO2 cutting credentials, challenging developed nations to match the efforts being made by China to tackle global warming.
The new platforms, which will force industrial firms to buy credits to cover any CO2 they emit above allocated quotas, also underscore Beijing’s commitment to “market mechanisms11 to slow emissions growth, in line with an ambitious raft of reforms outlined earlier this month.
Trading is likely to start slowly as the government treads cautiously and tries to learn lessons from Europe, where an excess of credit has left carbon prices in the doldrums. (170 words )
Section D: Chinese to English Translation
Directions: Read the following texts carefully and translate them into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. (60 points)
Text 1 (30 points)
在联合国教科文组织公布的2013年《人类非物质文化遗产代表作》备选名 单中,中国珠算榜上有名。
该名单介绍说,珠算是中国古代的重大发明,伴随着中国人经历了 1800多 年的漫长岁月,它以简便的计算工具和独特的数理内涵,被誉为“世界上最古老 的计算器”。
截至目前,中国入选“非遗”项目总数巳达37项,成为世界上入选项目最 多的国家。其中昆曲、中医针灸、皮影戏等29项列入人类非物质文化遗产目录, 活字印刷术等7项列入急需保护非遗名录。
联合国教科文组织认为,非物质文化遗产给拥有者群体带来认同感和历史 感,是确保文化多样性与人类创造性的关键。(253 words )
Text 2 (30 points)
第一,以投资协定谈判带动中欧经贸合作迈上新台阶。启动并推进谈判进程, 力争到2020年双边贸易额达到1万亿美元。坚持市场开放,加强金融合作,通 过平等对话和友好协商妥善处理分歧。采取有效措施扩大双边高技术贸易。
第二,加强在国际和地区事务中的合作。就气候变化、网络安全、军控和防 扩散等重大全球性问题加强交流,在联合国、二十国集团、亚欧会议等多边框架 内加强协调,推动
国际政治、经济秩序向着更加公正、合理、有效的方向发展, 维护世界和平与稳定(236 words)


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