
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25

3.C 主旨题。第四段记述了鲁思·西蒙斯在她以往任职的学校里为解决种族问题进行的一些努力和尝试。

4.B 语义题。文章第一段前半部分提到曾有一段时间一流大学的校长是非常重要的人物。紧接着though引导的句子进行了转折,指出校长的工作同雅芳小姐的工作差别越来越小了。这里主要考查“be removed from”的用法,其中removed是形容词,词组含义是“有区别的;遥远的;不同的”。

5.D 细节题。文中对应信息是one professor timidly requested two more discussion sections for his course.Her response:“Dream bigger.”







Unit 79

The best public higher education in the world is to be found at the University of California(UC).This claim is backed up by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China,which provides an authoritative ranking of research universities.The UC's campus at Berkeley ranks third behind two private universities,Harvard and Stanford.Several of the other ten UC sites,such as Los Angeles and San Diego,are not far behind.Californians are justifiably proud.It is therefore no small matter that this glory may be about to end.“We are in irreversible decline,” says Sandra Faber,a professor of astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz who has inadvertently become a mouthpiece for a fed-up faculty.University excellence,she says,“took decades to build.It takes a year to destroy it.”

California has been suffering serial budget crises,the latest of which was resolved last month in a rather desperate deal between the governor,Arnold Schwarzenegger,and the legislature.It contained huge cuts,including $2 billion lopped from higher education.The UC alone has lost a cumulative $813m of state funding in the last fiscal year and the current one,a cut of 20%.The second-tier California State University(Cal State),with 23 campuses the largest in the country,and the third-tier community colleges have also been clobbered.

The cuts threaten the legacy of two visionaries,Edmund“Pat” Brown,governor from 1959 to 1967,and Clark Kerr,who was in charge of the UC during those years.Kerr envisioned the state's public universities as“bait to be dangled in front of industry,with drawing power greater than low taxes or cheap labour.” In a 1960 master-plan he created the three-tiered system.

His ambition was simple.First,to educate as many young Californians as affordably as possible.The best students would go to the UC,the next lot to Cal State and the rest to community colleges with the possibility of trading up.Second,to attract academic superstars.Kerr went about this like a talent scout,and his successors have continued the practice.The UC campuses have collectively produced more Nobel laureates than any other university.

But the master-plan has been under strain for years.State spending per student in the UC system,adjusted for inflation,has fallen by 40% since 1990,says Mark Yudof,the current UC president.The Public Policy Institute of California,a non-partisan think-tank,projects that California's economy will face a shortfall of 1m college graduates by 2025,depressing the prosperity of the entire state. Public universities,which award 75% of all the state's bachelor degrees,will be largely responsible.

Academic excellence is likely to be the first victim.Both the UC and Cal State are planning to send professors and staff on leave,cram more students into classrooms and offer fewer courses.Attracting and keeping academic stars,and the research dollars that usually follow them,will become much harder.It is already happening,says Ms Faber.She recently hired three world-class assistant professors whose salaries are now at risk.Other universities have begun to get in touch with them,she says,and they will probably leave.Their best students may go with them.“We are eating our seed corn,” the professor laments.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2005年真题Text 1。

1.In the opening paragraph,the author introduces his topic by ______.

A) explaining a phenomenon

B) justifying an assumption

C) posing a contrast

D) making a comparison

2.The statement“It takes a year to destroy it.” (Line 8,Paragraph 1)implies that ______.

A) it usually takes one year to destroy university excellence

B) university excellence is much harder to build than to destroy

C) it takes a short time to destroy university excellence

D) to build university excellence is more time-consuming than to destroy it

3.Clark Kerr designed the three-tiered system for California in order to ______.

A) make public higher education more available and recruit more talents

B) fulfill his job as the head of UC when Edmund“Pat” Brown was the governor

C) make public higher education more attractive than low taxes and cheap labour

D) produce as many Nobel laureates as possible

4.The statistics in Paragraph 5 help us draw a conclusion that ______.

A) the Californian public universities are suffering from financial crises

B) California will soon face the embarrassing situation of talent shortage

C) due to lacking fund,the Californian public universities will have fewer graduates

D) California is going to sink in a long-term economic recession

5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A) The UC and Cal State are forced to fire some faulty and staff.

B) The Californian higher education may lose its core competitiveness.

C) The UC and Cal State are actively fighting against the financial constraint.

D) The Californian higher education will lose all its best professors and students.




astrophysics /ˌæstrəʊˈfɪzɪks/ n. 天体物理学

inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtəntli/ adv. 无心地,非故意地

mouthpiece /ˈmaʊθpiːs/ n. 代言人;喉舌

lop /lɒp/ v. 砍,删,削减

cumulative /ˈkjuːmjulətɪv/ adj. 累积的,累加的

clobber /ˈklɒbə/ v. 痛打;击倒

legacy /ˈlegəsi/ n. 遗产;遗赠

dangle /ˈdæŋgl/ v. 悬摆,悬荡

scout /skaʊt/ n. 球探、星探等人才发掘者

laureate /ˈlɒrɪət/ n. 得奖者

partisan /ˌpɑːtɪˈzæn/ adj. 党派的

cram /kræm/ v. 填满,塞满


The Public Policy Institute of California,a non-partisan think-tank,projects that California's economy will face a shortfall of 1m college graduates by 2025,depressing the prosperity of the entire state.

主体句式:The Public Policy Institute of California projects that...

结构分析:本句的主体句式比较简单,只不过中间夹了一个同位语a non-partisan think-tank,用来对前面提到的institute进行补充说明。that引导了一个宾语从句,该从句的主干是California's economy will face a shortfall,句子最后的depressing...部分是分词作状语,说明前面提到的问题将造成的后果。



1.C 论证方式题。文中第一段先描述了加州大学一直以来在世界上享有盛誉,紧接着指出,现在这种荣耀可能即将结束。这其实是把加州大学的前后情况做了对比,因此C是正确答案。

2.B 语义题。引文是第一段最后桑德拉·费伯说的话,这句话前面说道“创造卓越需要几十年的时间”,下面马上指出“毁掉它却只需要一年”,这并不是说一般要毁掉大学的卓越声誉需要一年时间,因此可以首先排除A项。本题的难点在于C项和D项的从表面上看来都没有问题,关键是要理解文中对比的隐含意义,桑德拉·费伯在这里要强调的是,毁掉一所大学的卓越声誉要远远比建立这种声誉容易得多,所以B才是最佳答案。

3.A 细节题。本题主要针对文章第四段,该段第一句话就提到His ambition was simple,可见接下来要讨论他建立这个三层体系的目的,主要有两点:首先,在能力可承受的范围内,尽量为更多的加州年轻人提供受教育的机会;其次,吸引学术界的超级明星。各个选项中只有A项最好地概括了这两点。

4.C 推理题。本题主要针对文章第五段,这一段主要有三个数据,分别是40%、100万、75%,分别指教育财政支出的下降比例、毕业生的短缺数量和加州公立大学授予学位的比例。首先看A项,该项只与第一个数据40%有关,不够全面,所以可以排除。B项的描述不够准确,原文说的是到2025年,并非很快就要面临大学毕业生短缺的问题,因此可以排除该项。虽然原文中提到“这将给整个州的经济前景蒙上一层阴影”,但这并不意味着加州的经济会长期陷入萧条,所以D项也不正确。只有C项比较好地概括了资金短缺和由此导致的未来毕业生短缺的情况,所以C是正确答案。

5.B 推理题。本题考查对文章最后一段的理解。A项的描述不准确,因为原文提到的on leave是“休假”的意思,而不是说要解雇教职员工。C项针对的是该段中提到的各种应对措施,但是我们可以看出这并不是积极的应对,而是无奈的举措,而且最后一段重点要说明的问题是资金的短缺将导致人才的流失和学术水平的降低,所以该项也不正确。文章最后一句引用了费伯教授的话“我们现在可是在吃玉米种呀!”这句话的意思是我们现在根本没有为今后着想,而D选项的表述中说lose all its best professors and students,all一词过于绝对,所以也不正确。从前面提到的人才流失和学术水平降低,可以推断这将必然影响这些大学的核心竞争力,因此B是正确答案。








Unit 80

Competition for admission to the country's top private schools has always been tough,but this year Elisabeth Krents realized it had reached a new level.Her wake-up call came when a man called the Dalton School in Manhattan,where Krents is admissions director,and inquired about the age cutoff for their kindergarten program.After providing the information (they don’t use an age cutoff),she asked about the age of his child.The man paused for an uncomfortably long time before answering.“Well,we don’t have a child yet,” he told Krents.“We’re trying to figure out when to conceive a child so the birthday is not a problem.”

School obsession is spreading from Manhattan to the rest of the country.Precise current data on private schools are unavailable,but interviews with representatives of independent and religious schools all told the same story: a glut of applicants,higher rejection rates.“We have people calling us for spots two years down the road,” said Marilyn Collins of the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati.“We have grandparents calling for pregnant daughters.” Public-opinion poll after poll indicates that Americans’ No.1 concern is education.Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income,many are turning to private schools,even at price tags of well over $10,000 a year.“We’re getting applicants from a broader area,geographically,than we ever have in the past,” said Betsy Haugh of the Latin School of Chicago,which experienced a 20 percent increase in applications this year.

The problem for the applicants is that while demand has increased,supply has not.“Every year,there are a few children who do not find places,but this year,for the first time that I know of,there are a significant number of children who don’t have places,” said Krents,who also heads a private-school admissions group in New York.

So what can parents do to give their 4-year-old an edge? Schools know there is no foolproof way to pick a class when children are so young.Many schools give preference to siblings or alumni children.Some use lotteries.But most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best identify developmental maturity and cognitive potential,interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings. They also want a diverse mix.Children may end up on a waiting list simply because their birthdays fall at the wrong time of year,or because too many applicants were boys.

The worst thing a parent can do is to pressure preschoolers to perform—for example,by pushing them to read or do math exercises before they’re ready.Instead,the experts say,parents should take a breath and look for alternatives.Another year in preschool may be all that's needed.Parents,meanwhile,may need a more open mind about relatively unknown private schools—or about magnet schools in the public system.There's no sign of the private-school boom letting up.Dalton's spring tours,for early birds interested in the 2001-2002 school year,are filled.The wait list? Forget it.That's closed,too.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2003年真题Text 4。

1.The author uses the example of Elisabeth Krents to show ______.

A) the concern of Americans

B) the charm of private schools

C) the fierce situation for preschoolers

D) the economic situation of American families

2.What is implied in Paragraph 4?

A) The harsh way of forming a class.

B) The high expectation of parents.

C) The wise way in selecting schools.

D) The difficulty of training children.

3.The author's attitude toward this event is ______.

A) indifferent

B) apprehensive

C) supportive

D) indignant

4.Instead of giving their children great pressure to outperform,the parents should ______.

A) avoid the competition and wait for another year

B) give up their first choice and go to an unknown school

C) let their children do what they want to do

D) deal with the matter more casually and rethink the situation

5.The text intends to express ______.

A) the popularity of private schools

B) parents’ worry about their children's schooling


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