
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-01-03




1. 我们的征途是星辰大海

2. 玩忽职守

3. 怼

4. “剁手党”

5. “油腻”中年男

6. 征收智商税

7. 拿走不谢

8. 套路

9. 不忘初心,方得始终

10. 五位一体

11. 海晏河清,朗朗乾坤

12. 钉钉子精神

13. 量子计算

14. 爱彼迎

15. 扫码打赏






21.augmented reality


23.viral marketing

24.digital twin

25.internet of things

26.low hanging fruit

27.block chain

28.Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


30.the 19th Congress of CPC

二、英译汉(有关白人至上主义运动)——ByLev Golinkin, Posted at 2121GMT (0521HKT) November 16, 2017(真题在原文基础上有删节,已经全部整理好)

White supremacy movement is more than just an American Problem White supremacy, like nearly everything else, has been fundamentally altered by globalization. Charlottesville --actually, the entire United States --is just one battleground in a far larger war. Unless America understands the full scope of this conflict globally, we will remain vulnerable to white supremacist ideology spreading within our borders.

This shift to a borderless global struggle is what separates today's white supremacists from their predecessors. A victory for the white

race in Charlottesville or Warsaw could empower white supremacists everywhere. It's all part of the same torchlight march.

Indeed, in the wake of the Charlottesville attack, Americans were reminded of the long and often whitewashed chain of institutional and cultural racism --from slavery to Jim Crow to inner city police shootings --which forms an inseparable part of the nation's past and present. But if the goal is to confront the far right threat, ignoring the reality that today's white extremists are obtaining training,

inspiration and aid from overseas hate groups is just as dangerous. Addressing this must begin with congressional hearings aimed at expanding our perception of transnational white supremacy, asking intelligence officials to detail what resources are devoted to

monitoring white hate groups abroad, and working with watchdog organizations to unearth the ties between domestic and foreign white supremacist networks.

Above all, it will require America to realize that it won't be able to fight white supremacy without acknowledging that the marches in Europe are not only connected to the march in Virginia but are, in essence, the same march. We can choose to learn that lesson from Charlottesville --or we can wait until an even worse attack forces us

to do so in the future. The sooner we learn, the better:The cost of these lessons is steep.








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