
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

30.(A)She never keeps other people waiting.

(B)She wanted the man to help her with her assignment.

(C)She's upset that the man didn't tell her he'd be late.

(D)She's glad that the man phoned her.

31.(A)She 'doesn't Want to pay the late fee.

(B)She was given incorrect information.

(C)She can't afford to pay her tuition.

(D)She didn't pass her mathematics class last semester.

32.(A)The director couldn't give her an appointment right away.

(B)The office was closed the first time she went.

(C)The computer were out of service the first time she was there.

(D)She did not have acceptable identification with her on her first visit.

33.(A)Her prior schooling.

(B)Her residence.

(C)Her age.

(D)Her driving record.

34.(A)The director probably isn't able to make an exception.

(B)The director probably won't see her.

(C)The director usually isn't very helpful.

(D)Part-time students aren't the director's responsibility.

35.(A)A chemistry assignment,(B)A study that their chemistry professor did.

(C)A class that the woman is taking.

(D)A job possibility.

36.(A)She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.

(B)She wants to get practical experience.

(C)She's interested in becoming a psychology major,.

(D)She wants to earn extra money.

37.(A)Employ them as lab assistants.

(B)Teach classes at their high school.

(C)Help them with their studies.

(D)Pay them for participating in the study.

38.(A)Write their lab reports.

(B)Find out Professor Smith's schedule.

(C)Interview some high school students.

(D)Finish their chemistry experiment.

39.(A)How the museum preserves Native American artifacts.

(B)The rituals of the Hohokam people.

(C)Methods used by the Hohokam for creating pottery.

(D)Artistic designs of Native American pottery.

40.(A)To introduce a speaker to a group.

(B)To provide background information for a special exhibit.

(C)To describe an upcoming video presentation.

(D)To introduce a lecture series.


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