
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


1.(A)She doesn't want to waste her film.

(B)She already took a picture of the mountains.

(C)She doesn't have any more film.

(D)She doesn't know how to use the camera.

2.(A)Their food will arrive shortly.

(B)He'll take their order soon(C)He'll ready to take their order(D)They'll have to wait for a table3.(A)Borrow the woman's car keys.

(B)She doesn't like her school(C)She has adapted easily to her new school(D)She spends most of her free time at school.

4.(A)She doesn't spend much lime with her friends.

(B)She doesn't like her school.

(C)She has adapted 'easily to her new school.

(D)She spends most of her free time at school.

5.(A)Writing an article.

(B)Studying for a chemistry test.

(C)Shopping for shoes.

(D)Reading a magazine.

6.(A)She's watching the cars go by.

(B)The man should feel well soon.

(C)She prefers to keep busy.

(D)The man works harder than she does.

7.(A)Change his diet.

(B)Take a different kind of medicine.

(C)Ask another doctor about the prob1em.

(D)Do special knee exercises.

8.(A)Ask a friend for the name of a hair stylist.

(B)Get her hair cut at 12:00.

(C)Make an appointment with someone else.

(D)Call another hair salon.

9.(A)He doesn't have time to read.

(B)He has no reading preferences.

(C)He doesn't read the same kinds of books as the woman.

(D)He likes to write essays on social topics.

10.(A)Call a repair person soon.

(B)Ask the man to fix her refrigerator.

(C)Find a book on how to make repairs.

(D)Wait to see if the problem disappears.

11.(A)He received a good evaluation.

(B)He had a fight with his boss.

(C)He's looking forward to meeting with his supervisor.

(D)He's always in a good mood.

12.(A)She needs a new hat and gloves.

(B)The weather will continue to be cold.

(C)She doesn't know what the weather will be like tomorrow.

(D)She doesn't know where the man put his winter clothes.

13.(A)Cancel his appointments.

(B)Reschedule one of his appointments.

(C)Prepare for the meeting at breakfast.

(D)Keep both meetings short.

14.(A)The woman shouldn't wear jeans.

(B)They shouldn't dress too much alike.

(C)They shouldn't dress too informally.

(D)The man is looking for a new jacket.'15.(A)He doesn't spend enough lime studying.

(B)He doesn't think the weather is nice."(C)He'd prefer not to walk to class.

(D)He has little time for outdoor activities.


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