
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

16.(A)She has gotten behind in her work.

(B)Her computer is the latest model(C)She keeps her computer at home(D)She doesn't have a computer.

17.(A)Ask Joan to recommend mend a good restaurant.

(B)Eat dinner at Joan's house.

(C)Ask their friends about the restaurant.

(D)Go to the restaurant.

18.(A)His brother is younger than he is.

(B)He and his brother went to different schools.

(C)He doesn't like his brother.

(D)He and his brother are different.

19.(A)He has already been to the gym.

(B)He wants to go with the woman.

(C)His gym bag is the gym.

(D)He'd rather go after dinner.

20.(A)The woman shouldn't make him feel bad.

(B)The woman should help him write a report.

(C)He doesn't want to take the woman out.

(D)He feels responsible for the woman's mood.

21.(A)She'd rather not discuss her problems.

(B)She has been healthy.

(C)It's hard for her to explain her problems.

(D)She's sorry she didn't come back sooner.

22.(A)She only wanted four of them.

(B)She put them in alphabetical order.

(C)Don sells them.

(D)Don placed the order for them.

23.(A)He's a member of the faculty.

(B)His parking permit expired.

(C)He parked in the wrong place by mistake.

(D)He has never parked In Lot 3.

24.(A)The man's resume is very short.

(B)The man has made many revisions to his resume.

(C)The woman is'not impressed by the man's resume.

(D)The printer is not working properly.

25.(A)He's opposed to the tuition increase.

(B)He wasn't able to attend the protest rally.

(C)He works for the student newspaper.

(D)He rarely reads the newspaper.

26.(A)It's the longest report she's ever written.

(B)She's only halfway done with it.

(C)She'll finish it in two weeks.

(D)She has spent less time on it than the man thinks.

27.(A)Make a list of what she needs to do.

(B)Schedule an eye exam without delay.

(C)Order an appointment book.

(D)Get over her fear of eye doctors.

28.(A)Professor Smith hasn't arrived yet.

(B)She's sorry she's late.

(C)She doesn't know if anyone called.

(D)She'll call Professor Smith in a few minutes.

29.(A)Count her money.

(B)Go to the seminar with the man.

(C)Help the man learn to manage his money.

(D)Pay for the seminar.


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