
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

24.(A)He is pleased the exhibit has closed.

(B)He has already seen the exhibit.

(C)He is disappointed the exhibit has closed.

(D)He already knew the exhibit had closed.

25.(A)Remove George from the committee immediately.

(B)Warn George that his attendance problem is serious.

(C)Offer to help George during the meeting.

(D)Telephone George to see if he's coming to the meeting.

26.(A)He'll pay the woman earlier.

(B)He was Able to sell the tickets for the woman.

(C)He doesn't mind buying the tickets.

(D)He hopes to see the woman on Friday.

27.(A)Where the manager is.

(B)Where she will be working this month.

(C)Where she can find the work schedule.

(D)Where the man heard the news.

28.(A)She needs help finding a place to live.

(B)There aren't enough rooms available in the dormitories.

(C)She can't afford to live on campus.

(D)She doesn't want to live in university housing.

29.(A)She would like to see the film again.

(B)She has seen the movie more than once.

(C)She thinks the movie lasted a long time.

(D)She thinks the movie was a waste of time.

30.(A)They didn't get wet.

(B)They're late for the concert.

(C)They prefer to dress casually.

(D)They're really looking forward to the concert.

31.(A)How to care for precious metals.

(B)A standard unit for measuring weight.

(C)The value of precious metals.

(D)Using the metric system.

32.(A)To check the accuracy of scales.

(B)To calculate the density of other metals.

(C)To observe changes in the atmosphere.

(D)To measure amounts of rainfall.

33.(A)Someone spilled water on it.

(B)Someone lost it.

(C)It was made of low quality metal.

(D)The standard for measuring had changed.

34.(A)It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.

(B)It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.

(C)It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.

(D)It is too high for such a light weight.


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