
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

12.(A)Her brother was not accepted into law school.

(B)She doesn't want to be a criminal lawyer.

(C)She has decided not to go to law school.

(D)She doesn't plan to work in her brother's law firm.

13.(A)The man will probably receive a scholarship.

(B)She can't give the man a ride to the dean's office.

(C)She can lend the man a sweater.

(D)The man isn't dressed appropriately for the interview.

14.(A)Buy a car from the woman.

(B)Help the woman paint her car.

(C)Buy a new car.

(D)Look for a less expensive car.

15.(A)She's upset that she missed the television program.

(B)She doesn't think the television program was funny.

(C)She doesn't like talking about television programs.

(D)She watched the television program at a friend's house.

16.(A)Cleaning the pants will take longer than usual.

(B)The man can have his pants at the end of the day.

(C)She doesn't think the stain can be removed.

(D)The man should go to a different location.

17.(A)She is going to try to be more persuasive.

(B)She'll accept the committee's proposal.

(C)She thinks the committee will accept the proposal.

(D)She'll revise the proposal before she talks to the committee.

18.(A)It's new.

(B)It's dull.

(C)It's not clean.

(D)It has a broken handle.

19.(A)Meet her in the auditorium.

(B)Schedule the meeting for a different time.

(C)Reserve a large room for the meeting.

(D)Cancel the meeting.

20.(A)The man may have left the paper in the phone book.

(B)The man should call Laura for her address.

(C)Laura's house is not difficult to find.

(D)Laura's address probably appears in the telephone directory.

21.(A)He doesn't believe the weather forecast.

(B)He doesn't like humid weather.

(C)He just bought an air conditioner.

(D)He can fix the woman's air conditioner.

22.(A)The man should sleep more.

(B)The man should get some exercise.

(C)It's important to finish the report now.

(D)The man needs to concentrate harder.

23.(A)He doubts the woman will like the novel.

(B)He hasn't started reading the novel yet.

(C)He enjoyed reading the novel.

(D)He'll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.


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