
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


1.(A)He wants to go early to avoid a traffic jam.

(B)He wants to leave the theater before the movie is over.

(C)He doesn't know the way to the theater.

(D)He doesn't usually get up at 7:00.

2.(A)Walk around the corner to the next block.

(B)Take a taxi to the hotel.

(C)Telephone the hotel for directions.

(D)Wait in the candy store.

3.(A)Borrow her book.

(B)Check the classroom again.

(C)Buy a new book.

(D)Ask about the book at the information desk..

4.(A)Linda didn't like it.

(B)Bill lost it.

(C)It was very expensive.

(D)It was very small.

5.(A)Take later classes.

(B)Discuss the problem with her professor.

(C)Come to campus by a different route.

(D)Live closer to campus.

6.(A)She often goes to the beach.

(B)She got a weekend job at the beach.

(C)She misses the trips to the beach she used to take.

(D)Her home is near the beach.

7.(A)Continue to read.

(B)Meet the woman at the library.

(C)Make some coffee.

(D)Go out with some friends.

8.(A)What she can do to help the man.

(B)How long the man has had allergies.

(C)What is causing the man's problem.

(D)What the man just said.

9.(A)He already has plans for Saturday night.

(B)The woman should decide where to cat Saturday.

(C)The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion.

(D)He will make a reservation at the restaurant.

10.(A)She'll drop the man off on the way to work.

(B)The man can ride downtown with her.

(C)The man will have to leave earlier than usual.

(D)She can't give the man a ride.

11.(A)Her backhand is almost perfect.

(B)The time the man spent practicing has helped him.

(C)The man's mother wanted him to practice.

(D)Her mother is a good tennis coach.


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