

F. Social Security
1. the state should help the poor,  aged, unemployed, and sick
2. the state should provide good health care for its citizens
3. the strong must help the weak
4. Social Darwinism is outdated
5. there will always be social misfits that need help
6. all religions stress charity
7. all advanced countries have some form of social security
Against :
1. it costs too much
2. it encourages laziness and destroys the work ethic
3. it does not work efficiently
4. people should look after themselves
5. it results in heavy taxes
6. Social Darwinism tells us that life is the "survival of the fittest"
7. there are no freebies in life

For :
1. it is natural (i.e., adult society is not segregated )
2. it gives men and women a chance to better understand one another
3. it gives men and women a chance to compete with one another
4. it is the modern trend
5. it has many practical advantages (e.g.,  school plays, music groups)
6. it produces well-adjusted adults
7. most parents prefer coeducation.
8. separate schools foster sexual rivalry
9. women become neurotic in all-women' s schools
Against :
1. women do better academically in their own colleges
2. women are in college to get an education, not a husband
3. women have their own values to develop
4. it can lead to intimacy and promiscuity
5. it is still rare in some countries
6. it is opposed by some parents 
7. it robs women of their self-confidence
8. separate schools have existed for centuries
9. marry great men and women attended separate schools

H. Corporal Punishment
For :
1. children are not adults 
2. children respect discipline
3. it is a check on excessive permissiveness
4. it does no permanent damage because children are hardy creatures
5. it is opposed only by mixed-up psychologists
6. it is a form of training
7. it builds real character
8. it reinforces the authority of teachers and parents 
9. it works to control juvenile delinquency
10. there is the saying: Spare the rod and spoil the child
Against :
1. it is barbarous
2. Freud said it is wrong
3. love is better than physical punishment
4. it can cause psychological problems
5. it is not necessary if children are raised correctly
6. it is an emotional, irrational response
7. it can result in a lawsuit
8. beatings have been known to result in death
9. there is the saying : Violence begets violence


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