

A. Smoking
1. it is pleasurable and relaxing
2. it is one's right
3. it is difficult to stop smoking
4. it is an old custom going back hundreds of years
5. it is not always dangerous to one's health 
6. it makes socializing easier
7. it is an important source of tax revenue
8. intoxication is a natural drive (e.g., coffee, drugs, alcohol)
1. it is harmful to one's health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial trouble, lung cancer )
2. it is harmful to those nearby
3. it is a dirty and expensive habit
4. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine)
5. it is quickly being banned in public areas
6. it lives off deceptive advertising

B. School Uniforms
1. they build character
2. they eliminate class differences
3. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies
4. they are popular with parents and administrators
5. they are inexpensive
6. they are attractive and neat
7. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day 
8. many countries have them
1. they lead to conformity
2. they are disliked by students (students like to primp)
3. they create a military mentality 
4. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks)
5. they are ugly and childish
6. they deprive youths of an important choice: what to wear
7. they are losing popularity everywhere


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