

C. Legalized Gambling
1. it reduces taxes
2. it is a source of government revenue
3. it is gaining popularity in the world
4. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years
5. it is pleasurable (e.g., horse racing, casinos)
6. it is voluntary
7. many people play poker and mahjong
1. it is banned in most countries
2. it is condemned by most religions
3. it can become addictive 
4. it encourages people to throw away their hard-earned savings 
5. it teaches people not to work for money
6. it can destroy happy families
7. it can lead to suicide
8. it is easily controlled by the Mafia (e.g., bookmakers )

D. City Life
1. it is exciting
2. it attracts people from the countryside
3. it offers the best schools, hospitals, and stores
4. it offers many amenities (e.g., swimming pools, bowling alleys, and sports stadiums )
5. it offers many chances of employment
6. its noise and overcrowding are hardly noticeable
7. cities have an efficient public transportation system
8. city planners can create a good living environment 
9. crime can be found in the countryside as well
Against :
1. it is unhealthy (e.g., water and air pollution )
2. it is not a good environment for children
3. it is devoid of Nature and distinct seasons
4. it is noisy and dangerous
5. it makes people nervous and even neurotic
6. it has created awful slums
7. cities are overcrowded and expensive
8. many city dwellers long to return to the countryside
9. city housing projects are unpopular

E. Informing Patients Of Cancer
1. patients want to know
2. it is wrong to hide the truth
3. it is not a shock for the patient but for his family
4. it gives the patient a chance to plan his last days
5. it is the patient' s body, not the doctor' s
6. doctors are for it (in the U. S.)
7. it allows a person to choose alternate means of treatment
1. it is heartless and cruel
2. it may make the patient give up 
3. it causes depression
4. it can lead to suicide
5. most relatives are against it 
6. a white lie can save undue suffering
7. doctors are against it (in Japan)


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