

P. Compulsory Military Service
For :
1. it aims to strengthen national defense
2. it teaches young men discipline
3. it builds character and physical fitness
4. it teaches valuable skills
5. it nurtures a spirit of comradeship an equality
6. it offers opportunities for overseas travel
7. it exists in many countries (e.g., Switzerland, Singapore)
8. it reduces unemployment
9. it instills a sense of patriotism
1. it is unnecessary in view of today' s professional armies
2. it is a step away from peace
3. some countries have abolished it (e. g., the U.S., Japan)
4. today' s armies do not need unskilled manpower
5. it interrupts young men' s studies and careers
6. it is a useless experience 
7. it is a source of slave labor
8. it results in bullying and conformity
9. it does not build character can cause mental disorders
11.military skills are useless in private industry

Q. Voluntary Euthanasia
For :
1. it is a basic right-the right to die
2. the Greek origin of the word euthanasia means "good death "
3. it allows one to die with dignity
4. it allows one to choose the time and place of death
5. it is logical and humane
6. it can be regulated with safeguards (e.g., the person must be rationally lucid)
7. it is painless
8. it is the solution to a terminal illness with suffering
9. the dying want it 
10.some doctors will assist the patient to end his life recognizes death as a natural, biological process suicide is legal in Holland, under certain guidelines
Against :
1. it is murder or suicide
2. it is illegal in most countries
3. most doctors oppose it 
4. it is a first step to killing the old and infirm 
5. it is irreversible in the event of a new cure
6. only God can end a life 
7. most religions oppose it 
8. suicide is always irrational
9. the dying are too sick to know what they want
10.the dying should look to hospices that dispense painkillers can be abused by greedy persons seeking an inheritance


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