

N. Foreign Aid 
For :
1. it is humane 
2. the rich should help the poor
3. all religions teach charity
4. it seeks to end poverty, disease, and illiteracy
5. it can be used to help refugees and combat slavery
6. it is given by all advanced countries
7. it is supported by the Red Cross and the United Nations
8. it helped rebuild Japan and Germany
9. it increases world trade achieves political objectives promotes national security
Against :
1. it is degrading to the recipient
2. it is never appreciated
3. it leads to feelings of inferiority
4. it limits the independence of developing countries
5. it subsidizes laziness
6. it often goes into the pockets of corrupt officials
7. it supports Third World dictatorships
8. it can be culturally damaging
9. it has divided the United Nations
10.the money should be spent at home for one' s own people

O. Divorce
For :
1. it is the logical solution to a bad marriage
2. it allows both persons to seek happiness in a second marriage
3. it dates from as early as ancient Babylonia
4. it is legally recognized by most countries
5. it is accepted by most people
6. remarriage is a right
7. it is necessary in cases of adultery, alcoholism, desertion, drug addiction, and mental and physical cruelty
8. children are better off living with one parent than with both in an unhappy environment
9. feminists support it 
Against :
1. it breaks up the family
2. it makes it too easy for two persons to walk out of their marriage
3. it is opposed by various religions
4. it is banned by some countries
5. it was uncommon until fifty years ago
6. marriage is a serious responsibility
7. it is a sign of immaturity
8. counseling is the solution
9. it harms children emotionally
10.children need both parents
11.child custody decisions are messy


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