

T. Nuclear Power
1. it provides huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel
2. it is the best source of energy for countries without oil
3. the world' s supply of oil will be exhausted in 90 years
4. it already produces most of the energy needs of some countries
5. it could supply all the world' s electricity for millions of years if fully developed
6. it is safe if properly supervised
7. nuclear power plants create less air pollution than fossil-fuel power plants
8. the issue has become far too emotional
Against :
1. it is too dangerous (e.g., Chernobyl accident)
2. most people are afraid of it 
3. the world' s supply of uranium is fast decreasing
4. it is better to develop other sources of energy (e.g., fusion)
5. radioactive wastes cannot be disposed of 
6. it can produce nuclear weapons for warfare
7. certain radical world leaders are trying to buy nuclear weapons
8. nuclear plants are expensive to build
9. the U.S. is slowly closing down its nuclear power  plants
10.nuclear wastes can cause cancer

U.  Library: Computer V.S. Books
1)  Efficiency
2)  Large storage capacity
3)  Multimedia attraction
4)  Management
5)  Sharing information
6)  Network or Internet
7)  Rapid updating
1)  Harmful Radiation
2)  Need basic knowledge to operate
3)  Not easy to carry
4)  Need consumption of energy.

1)  Traditional medium
2)  Easy to carry
3)  Conveniently read
4)  index of academic environment
1)  Not durable
2)  Low rate of updating
3)  Can't be shared by any people

V.  University: library V.S. Physical training facilities
1)  Major goal to impart knowledge to students
2)  Index of academic environment
3)  Attract more excellent professors

Physical Training:
1)  Help to improve one's health which is basis of study
2)  Students learn to be cooperative
3)  Provide relaxation
4)  May produce good athletes


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