2018年10月11日雅思考试答案 大陆卷+亚太卷

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-10-27



Section 1 询问音乐会相关的事情


1. Booking 预定

2. Radio 广播

3. Animal 动物

4. Thursday 周四

5. Nature 自然

6. Instrument 乐器

7. 8.50 金钱

8. Piano  钢琴

9. Age 年龄

10. Experience  经历

Section 2 暂缺

Section 3 为药物治疗报告做准备


21. Why was Rob nervous:

B. because he did not do well in the last presentation

C. have not yet faced so big group of people before(也有人回忆答案为该选项)

22. What did Sarah think of her presentation:

C. Unconcerned

23. How to motivate the audience at the beginning

C. statistics information in a film

24. What did the man learn from the message:

A. The way to strengthen the relationship between doctors and patients

25. This presentation focuses on:

A. Develop a new therapy

26. What should they do next:

B. Overview all of the information

27-30. 多选题

27-28. first thing to do

B. explain why they chose this topic

E. illustration: medical and therapy

29-30. main jobs

D. Audience asks question

E. Audience participation

Section 4 棉花种植

31. Water waste in the sustainable planning process.

32. Cotton’s water for irrigation

33. Labor cost(Workers) increased and by extra maintenance equipment and machines

34. Irrigation:soil becomes high-salty by contaminants.

35. What is the cause of the disease: Farmers don’t wear protective clothing.

36. Creative for standing innocence and freedom

37. Difficult to clean machines

38. Fabric need more energy to maintain the color

39. Designers inspired by nature

40. As the clothing for sports (也有回忆为rain)


第一篇:food desert




大作文:Some groups, such as poor people or people from rural area find it is difficult to access university education. Universities should make it especially easy for the students come from the rural areas get an access to the university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Section 4 Ford Rush Excavation

1. The excavation site is near a river by the forest

2. The shape of the site is like a triangle

3. The material of the building was made of bricks

4. Site I was previously used for military, but now for farming

5. A village was ruined by a storm, many china and porcelain was digged out

6. Site 2 had a manor which was damaged by fire in 1702

7. Researchers found the evidence of using glass in the construction of the house

8. In site 3, an ancient well was found in 1609, which was used to put trash, such as animals bones

9. Archaeologists found out that corn was used for fuel

10. They also found that the evidence of first European pottery


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