
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

第二题 Why did Marge and her husband think it an extravagance for Marge to go back to work?
题解: 此题属于细节类问题。文章第二段:玛基和她丈夫认为她重新外出工作对全家来说是一种奢望。他们有两个学龄前的孩子。如果把雇人照看孩子的费用、交通费用和增加的税款加在一起, 那么算下来将不但赚不到钱,收入实际上还可能减少。

要点: (1)本题所问内容从玛基和她丈夫的角度讲是没有发生的事情。即回答的内容与事实相反。故答案均采用与事实相反的虚拟语气形式。否则是要扣分的。


答案: Because they might end up with less money.

或 Because they would spend more than their earnings.

或 Because their earnings wouldn’t cover the spending.

或 Because they couldn’t afford the extra payments of double-worker family.

或 Because going back to work might cost more money.

第三题 What are the two major considerations in deciding whether women should go out to work?
题解: 题干中的consideration是寻找答案的关键词。从文章中可以在第三段找到consider一词,这一句明确地说“Economic factors are usually the first to be considered”,所以这里的economic factors肯定是答案的一个方面。但问题是“the two major considerations”,所以还有另一方面。根据这句话的下一句话,“The most important aspects of the decision have to do with the emotional needs of each member of the family”可以挑出来,即“the emotional needs”。

要点: 注意组织答案要规范和完善,如果Economic factors, emotional needs 为答案的话就不规范, 肯定不会得满分。

答案: Economic factors and emotional needs(of each family member)

或One is economic factors, the other is emotional needs.

或They are economic factors and emotional needs.

第四题 Some women would rather do housework and take care of their children than pursue a career because they feel______ .
题解: 本题较为简单,从第四段的对比论述可以知道答案在其最后一句话,即homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction。

要点: 本题只答出从句部分即为正确答案,不要画蛇添足。

答案: satisfied with homemaking

或 that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction

或that homemaking and being with children give them deepest satisfaction

第五题 If given a second chance, the writer would probably choose to ______ .
题解: 此题属于推断类题。在第五段里,作者通过自身的体验总结说,不要轻易放弃家庭生活,她对自己迫不及待地出去工作表示后悔,并表示但愿能享受一下与自己的孩子在一起看世界的快乐。由此可断定, 若有机会她宁愿与女儿即家人呆在一起, 所以答案为stay home with her little girl 或 stay home and enjoy family life.

为什么会产生交通事故?是不是因为车辆的速度太快了?本文第一段借英国公路交通法有关速度限制方面的发展与变更来影射这个回答。第二段指出超速是现在英国最普遍的机动车违规,并列举了三种违规现象。那么在多大程度上限速能减少交通事故呢?第三段列举了不同历史时期的数字加以佐证。文章最后一段提出了另一种看法,即在美国, 事故数字的减少被归因于交通密度的增加。

第一题 During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits?
题解 这一题要求综合第一段的第3、4、5三句来解答。第三句说到1930“speeding restrictions were done away with altogether”,接下来又说,“For five years motorists were free to drive at whatever speeds they liked”,因此可知,无速度限制的时间是从1930年起(包括1930年),延续了5年,即是1930、1931、1932、1933、1934这五年。最后一句“Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas”,说明到了1935年,speed limit又实行了。

要点: 提问是“during which period”,答案中只要给出一个时间的表达式就可以了,没有必要以整句作答,以免言多有失。有一位考生这样回答:During 1930 and 1935 could British motorists drive without speed limits. 姑且字数多了一个不说,这个倒装也有点问题。松一点的评委给1.5分,严一点的给1分,你说亏不亏?

答案: From 1930 to 1935.

或between 1930 and 1935


第二题 What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions?
题解 题干中的1935是寻找答案的明确线索,明显应在第一段的最后一句话“Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas, along with the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings”。题干中的speed restrictions对应于这句话中的a 30 m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas,剩下的自然就是the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings。

要点 本题只要回答出what measures即可,没有必要再加上谓语部分。

答案 Driving tests and pedestrian crossings.

或 The introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings.

第三题 Speeding is a motoring offense a driver commits when he __________.
题解 从题干中的“motoring offense”出现在第二段的第一句话。这句话也就是第二段的主题句。它总领了后面对三种speeding的描述,在这三种情况中,speeding都是exceeding the … (speed) limit。

要点 空格中要求填的是谓语,用动词来解释speeding这个词,因此必须填动词的形式。同时要注意第三人称单数和时态。

答案 exceeds the speed limits. 或 drives over the speed limit 或 breaking the speeding laws.

第四题What is the opinion of British authorities concerning speeding laws?
题解 题干中的British authorities即是指第三段第二句话中的the Ministry of Transport,而这句话中的maintain一词则是引述中常用的一个词,常表示“……认为”的意思,那么它后面的内容就是本题的答案了。

要点 (1)本题较好回答,但要注意避免原文照抄,否则会被扣掉0.5分。其实只要将“The Ministry of Transport maintains”改成“They maintain”(注意单复数)就行了。


答案 Speed limits reduce accidents. 或Speed limits help reduce accidents.

第五题 What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents?
题解 在四级考试中,也有很多送分的题。本题中的“Americans”告诉我们它的答案肯定在最后一段。其实,只要大体上读懂第四段的第一句话,看出其中的“due(rather)to”是表示原因的即能做出正确答案,即“the increase in traffic density”。

要点 注意与问题所问的方式一致, 否则要扣分。


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