
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Unit 2

Skills for Writing for Establishing Business Relations

Section 1: How to Write Letters for Establishing Business Relations

How to Find New Customers and Establish Business Relations       
The development and expansion of a business depends on customers. Needless to say that no customer, no business. The establishment of business relations is the fundamental step in foreign trade and in international exchange because transaction can only be made after the business connections have been set up.
To seek prospective clients and establish business relations is one of the most important measures for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to expand its market and enlarge its business scope and turnover (营业额,销售额). Usually a firm may approach its new business counterparts(对应或对等的人或物)abroad or obtain necessary information through the following channels: 1.banks; 2. attendance at all kinds of commodities fairs; 3. contact at the exhibitions held at home and abroad; 4. mutual visits by trade groups and delegations; 5. Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries; 6. trade directories(贸易商业目录,工商行名录); 7. Chinese Commercial Counselor’s Office in foreign countries; 8. Business Houses of the same trade(商行,商号). Of all these channels, communication in writing is the most commonly used means for setting up business relations. But how can you obtain all the necessary information about a new client when you are going to write a letter to establish business relations? Maybe you can seek the help of many sources such as periodicals, advertisements in newspapers, market investigations, self-introduction by merchants themselves, etc.
The Main Content of the Letters for Establishing Business Relations
1) Refer to the ways to obtain the addressee’s name and address
2) Indicate clearly the intention of the letter
3) Introduce the scope of business briefly
4) Express the hope for future business relations
Sample 1: A Letter for Establishing Business Relations
Dear Sirs,
We have your name and address through the introduction of Mr. A.G. TopWorth of Swanson & Bros., of Hamburg, who is one of our old clients. We wish to inform you that we specialize in exporting chinaware and shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.
If our above desire coincides with yours, please let us know and also keep us informed of your specific enquiries so that we can send our illustrated catalogue and price list for your reference without delay.
In the meantime, we shall appreciate it very much if you will furnish us with the name of your bank prior to the conclusion of an initial transaction between us.
We are looking forward to receiving your first enquiry.
Yours sincerely

Answer the Following Questions
1. What does the writer say in the first paragraph of the message?
2. What does the writer ask the addressee to do?

Words and Phrases
1. client: a person who pays for help or advice or to get some service
e.g. The enquiry agency has a lot of clients.
2. enter into: start upon, begin to take part in
e.g. We have entered into a contract with a firm in America.
3. enquiry: a request for information on the supply of certain goods
e.g. We have received a number of enquiries from our trade connections here for your new products.
4. catalogue: a complete list of articles, usually in alphabetical order and often with descriptions of the articles
e.g. We are enclosing a copy of our catalogue as requested in your letter of January 20.
5. transaction: a piece of business
e.g. We have finally concluded the transaction after so many negotiations.

Sample 2: A Reply to A Letter for Asking to Establish Business Relations
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your letter of June 27, we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with us, which also meets our interest.
To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you by air a catalogue showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Quotations and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.


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