
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-01-10

24. Which of the following statements is true according to the author?

[A] The imagery is the precondition of thought

[B] Thought has to be bore in words.

[C] Imagery is an explanation of words.

[D] Once we use words, we make mistakes.

[A]some people including the writer.

[B] the writer himself alone

[C] most people but the writer

[D] one of the people other than the writer
Passage Six

Strikes and strikebreaking, lockouts and boycotts, all pit one side against the other in labor disputes. Ultimately, the negative effects of such actions ---- including resentment, fear, and distrust ---- linger for months or years after a dispute has been resolved.

Increasingly, more productive techniques such as mediation and arbitration are being used to settle disagreements between labor and management. Either one may come into play before a labor contract expires or after some other strategy, such as a strike, has proven ineffective.

Mediation is the use of a neutral third party to assist management and the union during their negotiations. This third party (the mediator) listens to both sides, trying to find common ground for agreement. The mediator also tries to encourage communication between the two sides to promote compromise, and generally keep the negotiation moving. Initially, the mediator may meet privately with each side. Eventually, however, the goal is to get the two sides to settle their differences at the bargaining table.

Unlike mediation, the arbitration step involves a formal hearing. Just as it may be the final step in a grievance procedure, it may also be used in contract negotiations when the two sides cannot agree on one or more issues. At this point, the arbitrator hears the formal positions of both parties on outstanding, unresolved issues. The arbitrator then analyzes these positions and makes a decision on the possible resolution of the issues. If both sides have agreed in advance that the arbitration will be binding, that means they must accept the arbitrator’s decision.

If mediation and arbitration are unsuccessful, then according to the Taft-Hartley Act, the president of the United States can obtain a temporary to prevent or to stop a strike if it would endanger national health or security.

[A] the tension between labor and management can continue

[B] labor and management do not trust each other any more

[C] the negative effect of actions like strike would be resolved

[D] a long time is needed to bring the dispute to an end

27. To resolve a labor dispute, one should

[A] resort to mediation or arbitration from the start

[B] make sure that the labor contract expires

[C] take other steps before going to mediation or arbitration

[D] strike first and then accept mediation or arbitration

28. Which of the following is true of mediation?

[A] The mediator makes final decisions after meeting with both sides.

[B] To avoid bias, the mediator cannot meet either side in advance.

[C] The primary task is to help both sides bargain with each other.

[D] The mediator can be a representative from either the labor or the management.


[A] both sides agree in advance to abide by the decision made

[B] a formal hearing must be conducted just like in a court trial

[C] the decision is focused on the most outstanding and unresolved issues

[D] there is no bargaining allowed by arbitration,unlike mediation

30. In the last sentence, the underlined word “most likely refers to [A] a formal declaration [B] a subpoena

[C] a lawsuit protocol [D] an official order

VI Vocabulary (10%; 0-5 mark each)

31. Dr. Norman Bethune came Canada to help the Chinese people in their war against Japanese aggression.

[A] in the way [B] all the way [C] along the way [D] by the way

[A] resort [B] rescue [C] refrain [D] recant

33. After a careful investigation and evaluation,the city hall decided to old house.

[A] dismantle [B] destroy [C] demolish [D] delineate

34. The monument was so small that it appears to be more for for memorial.

[A] significance [B] indifference [C] oblivion [D] memory

[A] dormant [B] Pacifying [C] ignited [D] pictured

36. Because humans have to talk about the limitless world by means of limited between the world and language.

[A] apathy [B]anomaly [C] asymmetry [D] agnosticism

37. If an organism is quite successful in getting used with the environment that is new to it, we say that the organism is very

[A] agile [B] adjustable [C] adoptive [D] adaptive

38. When we do Planning, we Should take a11 relevant factors into consideration in as much as possible the difficult cases or even failures.

[A] forestall [B] forerun [C] foretell [D] forecast

39. the practice of putting yourself in a position of another person in order to understand his/her feelings.

[A] affectionate [B]empathy

[C] pathology [D] affiliation

40. In schools and universities, some courses are compulsory, which one has to take, while the others are( ) , either freely of as required.

[A] optimal [B] opaque [C] optical [D] optional

41. When one applies for a job position, one needs to ( ) one's resume, describing one's educational as well as working experiences.

[A] submit [B] subject [C]

submerge [D] subside

42. As industry grew,so ( ) did the need for more and more skilled industrial workers.

[A] much [B] as to [C] too [D] as for

43. The rescue team worked hard to search for the missing mountaineers,

( ) the heavy and icy snowstorm.

[A] in spite [B] despite [C] although [D] disregard

44. “Breaking Bad” is the most thrilling TV drama series ( ) I have watched in several years.

[A] as [B] what [C] which [D] that

45. The revised feasibility report handed in by the draft team is good enough, ( ) a few spelling errors on some pages.

[A] except for [B] except that [C] excepting [D] except

46. It is mandatory that the engineering project ( ) accomplished by the end of

this year.

[A] is [B] has been [C] be [D] will be

47. ( ) the advice from the councilor, we would not have finished the task so smoothly.

[A] out of [B] what with [C] but for [D] instead of

48. The traffic accident has claimed 5 lives, the cause of which is still ( ) investigation.

[A] under [B] beyond [C] for [D] beneath

49. Even though the bell for dismissing class has rung,the teacher is still talking

( )

[A] over [B] forward [C] off [D] away

50. Since the negotiation with the management has come to a deadlock, the worker's union decide to take ( ) the street.

[A] to [B] over [C] down [D] away with

III Cloze (10%; 0.5 mark each)

In the last decade, giving birth at home has become an increasingly popular option for some couples. Assisted by a physician or a nurse-midwife,many women have successfully given birth at home (51) A to healthy babies. In fact, some studies indicate that ―一 for (52)<C>uncomplicated pregnancies --- home delivery is as safe as hospital delivery. (53) [B] Advocates of home birth argue that the atmosphere in a hospital --- with all its forbidding machines,rules, regulations, and general lack of “homeyness” ---- is stressful. (54) [B] Therefore ,giving birth in a hospital detracts from what should be a joyous, natural human experience. Supporters of home birth further argue that hospitals are (55) [C] meant to deal with illness and that the delivery of a baby should not be viewed as an illness.

On the other side of the argument, critics of home birth argue that if emergency medical (56) [A] procedures are necessary, giving birth at home may be (57) [B] downright dangerous. Furthermore, hospital practices in labor and delivery have changed (58) [D] radically in the last decade, particularly with the increased popularity of the Lamaze method. Thus hospitals are not the strange, forbidding environments they once were. (59) [A] Most hospitals, for example, allow fathers to be present (60) [A] at the entire labor and delivery, and many allow the

father to be present (61) [A] in the operating room during the cesarean deliveries. Many hospitals have (62) [D] altogether created birth centers, homelike rooms with comfortable beds and armchairs, that allow labor and delivery to (63) [C] occur in a relaxed atmosphere, while (64) [D] being only a few minutes (65) [A] away from emergency equipment.

For a woman who wants to have a home birth, careful medical screening is

(66) [D] essential. (67) [B] Only women with normal pregnancies and anticipated normal deliveries (68) [A] should attempt a home birth. A qualified physician or nurse-midwife must be part of the planning. Finally, there must be access (69) [D] to a hospital (70) [D] in case of an unanticipated emergency.

51. [A] to [B]by [C] with [D] for

52. [A] unconventional [B] abnormal [C] uncomplicated [D] hazardous


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