
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-09-18

17.How do you manage your time in work?

A: I think good time management plays an important role both in work and my life. Before going to work, I’ll make an arrangement for the following week. Then I can finish my job more efficiently.

18.Describe your best friend and what influence him or her in work or life.

A: My best friend is Huangbin, he is such an intelligent and diligent person. He performs well both in school and workplace. Nevertheless, he still persists in upgrading himself and I think what influence him most must be the passion for life.

19.In what ways are you similar of different from your best friend?

A: I think I’m as passionate as my best friend. There’s still a long road for me to go, so keeping passion is an important way to show respect to my family, my friends and those who love me.

20.What are your career’s strengths and how do you capitalize on them?

A: I think my career’s strengths should be the following 3 points. The first is having favorable psychological qualities like optimism and persistence. Second is the abilities formed by nurture like good communication skills. Last but not least, I’ve learned basic but comprehensive theory of management. Through the first strength, I will gather some outstanding friends and build a team. Then with the second one, I’ll establish a company with my partners. Finally, under the help of the theory of management, I’ll practice in a mature way.

21.How can you balance your MBA study and your work if you were accepted.

A: I don’t think it’s hard for me to balance MBA study and my work because I am a young man full of energy. Besides, I’m unmarried and don’t have to worry about the family problems. So I just keep on working and finishing the study tasks.

22.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?

A: As I became the deputy general manager in my family company, I found it hard to manage the company because of lack of sufficient experience in management. This is one of the key reasons why I decided to take the MBA examination. Currently, the MBA program in China is still lagging behind the MBA program in western countries. However, many kinds of education resources in China have been improved gradually, such as facilities, faculty and so on.

23.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

A: Actually I’ll not choose to give up, instead, I’ll keep my direction and stick to my goal that help me overcome obstacles. I’ll try again and arrange my time more properly. Anyway, I do believe I will succeed as long as I make efforts steadily.

24.Give me an example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

A: When I started the ERP program, my colleagues knew nothing about it and the IT technician didn’t know what to do next. Things got stuck, by analysis, I thought the proper way to solve this problem is to find out the exact operation process of our company and turned it into technical language. So I communicated with different departments and tried to figure out the most accurate operation process of our company. Then I drew a flow chart which could help the technician understand our company. Finally the problem had been solved.

25.What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?

A: First of all, I’ll define the problem to be solved and decision to be made. Secondly I’ll gather the necessary information I need and list all possible choices. Then consider comprehensively about each choice. Finally make a decision.

26.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?

A: I am a passionate, energetic and ambitious person with good communication skills leadership talent and teamwork spirit as well. That’s why I think I’m qualified for MBA program.

27.Do you have study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?

A: I hope I can form a systematic view of business management and get a complete comprehension of its formation and development. And I will utilize my spare time to study the courses so as to make a solid foundation.

28.What’s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?

A: I do agree that MBA student must have working experience. It all depends on the property of this major. MBA is different from the traditional courses, it focuses on developing professional managers or entrepreneurs. So having working experience is necessary.

29.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?


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