
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-09-18

1.What can you tell me about yourself?

A: Brief introduction

2.Do you have a long term or short term career plan?

A: In the next 3-5 years, I will make efforts to promote the process of reform of my family company, meanwhile, I’ll bring some professional managers to help to manage the company. In my long term plan, I’ll start my own business with my partners. My goal is to seek a path in the high-tech industry and build up a profitable and respectable enterprise.

3.What is your greatest strength?

A: My greatest strength should be the ability of self-learning. I do believe that no matter how outstanding a person is, self-learning will always be the core ability to help him to stay ahead.

4.What is your greatest weakness?

A: I’m a 100% perfectionist. I’ll do all I can to make everything good and notice even the smallest mistake. This weakness truly makes me spend too much time, however, I’m trying to overcome this shortcoming.

5.How do the people around you view MBA?

A: People around me think that MBA will benefit them in many aspects. It will provide professional knowledge of management and help to broaden their vision. Also, they can make friends so as to enlarge their networking and learn how to cooperate in a better way. All in a word, MBA is a good way to help them fulfill their career goals.

6.Why do you choose our university?

A: There’s no doubt that PHBS is one of the best business schools in Shenzhen. Besides its reputation, the academic atmosphere and professional teachers, what attracts me also is that PHBS has its own teaching buildings in Shenzhen. It’s one of the greatest advantages for a business school in this young city.

7.Why do you choose MBA?

A: Because MBA can help to strengthen my knowledge structure of management and broaden my horizon. What’s more, with the help of MBA, I may find a new way to break through the bottleneck which my family company is facing. Last but not least, I can know more friends and expand my networking in order to accelerate my career process.

8.What has been your greatest accomplishment?

A: I think it would be taking program to help a traditional and backward company to realize the office automation. After this program, the work efficiency was improved considerably.

9.Could you tell me about your family?

A: Sure, I have a big family. I’ve got 3 brothers and 3 sisters as well. We often have meals together and share joy and laughter. My mum is a successful businessman and the other members have satisfying jobs too. It’s definitely my fortunate to be born in such a happy family. I love them.

10.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

A: Actually I’m a people-person. Firstly, I’ll talk to them individually and try to figure out why they dislike each other and see if I can solve the problems or not. If I fail, then I’ll persuade them to work together for common interest and forget the bad things temporarily.

11.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

12.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?

A: I think those who are self-centered, lazy and always making excuses are quite hard to work with because they don’t understand the spirit of teamwork.

13.When you made a mistake in a project, what would you do?

A: If I made a mistake in a project, firstly I would make an apology to my team, then I’d start to analyze the causes of the mistake and do anything I could to minimize the loss. Finally I would sum up the lessons and try to avoid it next time.

14.How do you handle rejection?

A: If everyone said yes, there would be no challenge, no excitement in the fascinating sphere of my life. Each no that you hear means that you are getting closer to the next yes. And what I should to do is to listen, to think and make efforts to get the next yes.

15.Are you more a follower or a leader?

A: Frankly, I’m more of a leader, but with team work spirit too. I really enjoy leading because it can bring me sense of achievement.

16.Describe an important project you have finished.

A: I’d like to share one of the significant projects I have finished in my family company. Since this company was lagging behind its competitors, the project aimed for improving the work efficiency. As I was the project leader, at first, I allocated tasks to each team member and made sure they were clear on the responsibilities. Then we started to work and I kept paying attention to the whole process of the project in order to ensure everything was going on smoothly. After finishing the project, I summarized and evaluated the final data. My abilities in organizing, communication and problems solving had been improved gradually during this project.


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