
本站小编 FreeKaoyan/2018-01-22

Directions: In this section, there are 13 sentences each with one word or phrase missing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening
1.(  )As far as we know, in this matter Jim seems  .
A. to be in no way to blame  B. to be in no way to be blamed
C. to be to blame in no way  D. to be blamed in no way
2.(   ) , he might have retired before the end.  
A. Didn’t he enjoy the concert   B. Has he not enjoyed the concert
C. Were he not enjoy the concert   D. Had he not enjoyed the concert
3.  I don’t see how you can stop your daughter, (  )she is lawfully old enough to get married.
A. once   B. thus   C. yet  D. since
4. The developing countries are the richly mineralized districts in the world (  )the developed countries are the districts which are short of minerals.
A. anyway   B. nevertheless   C. while   D. instead
5.  Jane rented (  )novels from the circulating library yesterday afternoon. .
A. two interesting American  B. two American interesting
C. interesting two American  D. American two interesting
6.  The manager(   ) his suitcase in which there is plenty of cash yet, for he is not sure where he left it behind.  
A. had not found    B. has not found  C. did not find  D. cannot find
7. The minister didn’t show any interest in the democratic reforms(  ).
A. all in all B. after all    C. not at all   D. at all  .
8. I haven’t seen her(  ).  
A. since long   B. long since  C. long ago   D. long before
9.  Why   this way?  to meet him?
A. are you walking / Do you want  B. do you walk / Do you want
C. do you walk / Are you wanting     D. are you walking / Did you want
10. "Will a bus stop here soon?" "No,(   ) .”     
A. ten minutes ago one just went by   B. one just went by ten minutes ago
C. ten minutes ago just one went by     D. just one went by ten minutes ago
11. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand,(   )all
practical value by the time they were finished.
A. could lose  B. would have lost
C. might lose  D. ought to have lost
12. The lady over there is(   )
A. Jane and Mary mother    B. Jane and Mary’s mother
C. Jane’s and Mary’s mother   D. Jane’s and Mary mother    
13. Not even a word(   )concerning these important matters.  
A. he mentioned       B. he mentions  
C. did he mention     D. he does mention
Section A
Directions; In this section, there are 10 sentences each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET
1.(  Intermittent) showers were forecast for the day.
A. Heavy   B. Recurrent   C. All-day   D. Instantaneous
2.  The saucy child (protruded) his tongue.
A. propelled    B. showed   C. projected   D. hurt
3.  Mary’s (impromptu) speech given at the state competition won her first prize.
A. extemporaneous     B. well-prepared  
C. eloquent         D. carefully-designed  
4.  His loud voice (drowned) what the girl was trying to tell us.  
A. undulated   B. surprised  C. inundated  D. overturned
5.  We (adorned) our room with new rugs, lamps and pictures.
A. embroidered   B. embellished  C. furnished   D. addressed
6.  I am glad to hear about the young man’s good (convalescence).
A. personality   B. response  C. temper   D. recovery
7.  When the woman assembles and brings all these books, she (musters) them.  
A. barters    B. takes   C. gathers   D. counts
8. It is now generally assumed that the planets were formed by the (accretion) of gas and dust in a cosmic cloud.
A. separation   B. motion   C. progression   D. accumulation
9. Ghost stories are (vestiges) of a widespread belief in ghosts.  
A. legends    B. remnants  C. residences D. reflections
10. The process of (respiration) consists of two independent actions, inhaling and exhaling.
A. speaking  B. marketing   C. expanding  D. breathing
Section B
Directions; In this section, there are 19 sentences each with one word or phrase missing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.
11. The writer was not used to speaking in public, but when the opportunity presented itself, he rose to the(   ) .
A. chance   B. event  C. occasion   D. circumstance
12. Most of the author’s earlier works were published under a (   )   
A. pseudonym B. misnomer  C. nickname   D. namesake
13. The black boys and girls need not have felt(   )for their dark skin in the summer camp.
A. self-effacing B. self-conscious   C. self-centered   D. self-evident
14. If you keep on working too hard, your health will(   ).  
A. degenerate   B. degrade C. deteriorate  D. deform
15. Several of the advertising hoardings had been(     )by anti-racist slogans.
A. deleted    B. erased  C. mutilated  D. defaced
16. Before the conference begins, let’s take an( ) of the present situation.
A. overview   B. overall C. overture  D. oversight
17. The dreadful scenes of the major skirmish(  )the children off their dinner.
A. took B. put     C. sent     D. set
18. The purpose of the survey was to (  )the parents with the changes television has made in family life.
A. notify   B. tell   C. acquaint  D. inform
19. They had not cleaned the house for weeks and the health inspector found them living in the utmost(   ) .
A. contamination    B. pollution   C. decay  D. squalor
20. We must bring him(   )  to our point of view on that subject.
A. out   B. forward   C. around   D. about
21. The students wondered why the instructor(  )in the middle of his speech.
A. broke away   B. broke in   C. broke off   D. broke out
22.  The U. N. Security Council makes an attempt to adjust the(  )   between Israe land Palestine.
A. problem    B. dispute   C. question    D. matter
23.  While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping(  )to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.
A. occasionally  B. simultaneously   C. eventually   D. promptly
24.  The old lady can’t hope to(  )her cold in a few days.
A. hold back   B. get off   C. get over  D. hole up
25.  The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a (  )area.
A. observation   B. reservation   C. preservation  D. conservation
26.  I just managed to (  )a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.  
A. snatch B. scratch  C. scrape   D. stretch
27.  With prices (   )so much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.
A. vibrating B. waving  C. fluctuating  D. swings
28.  My house is the only brick one on the street. It( ) and you can’t miss it.
A. stands up   B. sticks out     C. looks out    D. make out
29.  Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which (  )them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.  
A. deprives   B. restricts  C. rejects   D. denies

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