
本站小编 中国教育在线/2015-04-25



  Part I Oral Communication
Dialogue One 1-3 A C B
Dialogue Two 4-6 A B C
Dialogue Three 7-10 D A C B

  PartⅡ Vocabulary
11-15 CCDAB 16-20 CBDBB

  PartⅢ Reading Comprehension
Section A
Passage one 21-25 ACCBD
Passage two 26-30 DBCDD
Passage three 31-35 DACBB
Passage four 36-40 DBDDC

  Section B 41-45 CADBC

  PartⅣ Cloze
46-50 CADBB 51-55 DCAAA

  PartⅤ Text Completion
Text One 56-58 ACB 59-61 ABC
Text Two 62-64 CAB 65-67 ABC
Text Three 68-71 BACD 72-75 CADB


  失业的社会成本远远超出了政府提供的福利和失业补贴。一个新的联邦调查显示,失业增加了离婚,虐待儿童,酗酒的几率。一些专家认为这个问题是暂 时性的,新的技术最终将创造与它毁掉数量相同的工作岗位。但是未来学者海门.赛宣称,新科技效率惊人 这意味这所需人类劳动减少.他说“我们应该把这看成是给人们更多空闲的机会。这可能并不简单,但社会将不得不在老劳动分工重新达成一致。


  As is clearly shown in the story, Xiao Liu chose a different way from his classmates after graduate and got a different story. Xiao Liu succeeded finally while most of others lived in an ordinary life and loose the encouragement to face huge challenge. Nowadays the way to success has aroused immediate concern and widespread discussion among the general public. From Xiao Liu’s experience, we can draw a conclusion that sometimes choosing a road seldom chosen by other people could increase the chance of success.

  On one hand, it can be reasonably argued that there will be more chance if we choose a different way to work or live. If we just do as what others do, then there will not be much wealth or resources left for us to take use of. In this case, the chance to success won’t be too much. On the other hand, however, there will be risks existing the same time. The reason why seldom people choose the way may be that it is not a correct way to success, and the people who choose it may face the risk of failure.

  I strongly believe that we can do as what XiaoLiu does but need to estimate the risk first. In the process of my growth, I have a lot of successful experience. In my opinion, there are many factors needed for success. The first one that comes to my mind readily is that knowledge and skills . They are the basic factors and one can’t get success without them. What's more, effort and spirit of persisting are important key factors to success. No success can come easily and there are many examples that people give up in the half way. We need put all effort and stick to it then we could achieve the goal.

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