
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-12




Top 1 社科文化专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、旅游       They are popular because they can provide both good accommodations (食宿) and tax deductions(减税) to Chinese tourists who buy luxury goods.
      Besides, some foreign countries have loosened visa requirements(放宽签证要求)for Chinese visitors to boost (增长) their economic growth, also contributing to he increase in visitors from China.
      Furthermore, the scenario(现象) at the moment, to a certain degree(某种程度上), has something to do with the inadequacy(不完善) of the relevant regulations and rules
      In view of what has been mentioned so far, we can conclude that our tourism, as an emerging industry(新兴产业), ought to explore ways to keep pace with(保持同步) the tourists' growing demand.
2、养老       To begin with, the tradition of supporting the elders at home in China has hindered the development of nursing institutions. What’s more, while the aging of the population(人口老龄化) is speeding up(加速), the attention placed on the elders is insufficient.
      In addition, more funds should be invested for the construction of elder-care institutions(养老机构). Only in this way can we construct a society in which the elderly are looked after properly.
      To my best knowledge(在我看来), a variety of factors are responsible for this phenomenon, as listed below(列举如下).
      From what has been discussed above (综上所述), we may safely draw the conclusion(得出结论) that it is an inevitable trend(必然趋势) that the three countries are running into the aging society.
3、选择工作的考虑因素       For one thing, the fast-developing and increasingly open social environment, especially the development of the Internet and other emerging industries(新兴产业), has strongly influenced the occupational choices(职业选择)of post 90s(90后).
      For another, the new family structure--nuclear family(核心家庭), as well as the fading notion of “raising children for one’s old age”, has made the post 90s shoulder less family responsibilities than the post 80s, and become more self-directed(自我为中心) when choosing their jobs.
4、购房者年龄分布       This generation is old enough to settle down and have a family, and a house is the prerequisite(先决条件) for these objectives.
      Besides, they are the first to grow up under the one-child policy rolled out(推出) in 1979, and their parents are willing to sacrifice greatly to help them buy a house.
5、消费       It indicates that although customers still keep a close eye(关注) to price, they are laying far more weight on product quality and travel agencies’ reputation. That is, they are willing to pay higher prices for pleasant and safe trips.
      The above phenomenon reflects a tendency of consumption upgrading(消费升级), which is closely related to the development of economy and the shift in consumer perception(观念).
      上图反映了一种消费升级的新趋势,这一趋势 与我们的经济发展以及消费观念转变紧密相关。
6、餐饮类图书       Secondly, some best-sellers on diet culture such as A Bite of China reignite (重燃)people’s interest in the splendid (灿烂的) food cultures, leading to more sales of this kind of book.
      Lastly, with the rapid development of the economy and the rising living standard, people’s dietary habits and consumption idea have changed so much that they become more willing to accept Western diet and even prepare it themselves with the help of books on Western food.
Directions       Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      As is shown in the bar chart,post 80s,post 85s and post 90s value different factors when choosing their careers. Though they all attach more importance to promotion(晋升) opportunities,personal preference, work-life balance and salary and benefits than other factors, there are some prominent differences between the three groups. Besides promotion, the post 80s pay more attention to salary and benefits, which accounts for 20% , while the post 90s lay much more stress on(把重点放在...上) their own preference, accounting for 29.3%.
      The differences between them can be attributed to(归因于) diverse factors. For one thing, the fast-developing and increasingly open social environment, especially the development of the Internet and other emerging industries(新兴产业), has strongly influenced the occupational choices(职业选择)of post 90s(90后). For another, the new family structure--nuclear family(核心家庭), as well as the fading notion of “raising children for one’s old age”, has made the post 90s shoulder less family responsibilities than the post 80s, and become more self-directed(自我为中心) when choosing their jobs.
      It doesn’t matter what factors one values most, for different people have different demand. What matters is that one has to choose the most suitable job and work hard to realize his value.

      他们之间的差异归因于多种因素。一方面,快速发展和越来越开放的社会环境,尤其是互联网及其他新兴产业的发展,深深地影响了 90后的职业选择。另一方面,新型家庭结构——核心家庭,以及 “养儿防老”观念的逐渐消失,使得90后比80后承担的家庭责任减少,在选择工作时更加以自我为中心。
TOP 2 教育专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、大学生就业       Furthermore, a satisfactory salary and benefits package(福利待遇) will guarantee the standard of their life, while a pleasant atmosphere in workplace is a necessary element to prevent distraction and focus on work itself.
      As times passed, the rapid expansion of programs and the quality of MBA students have become controversial topics, both in and out of business.
      Maybe today’s employers place a higher value upon(更注重) a job-hunter’s practical work experience, professional background and personal capability.
2、用人单位眼中大学生的不足       Today’s employers are putting increasing emphasis on candidate’s problem-solving skills and the correct mindset(思维模式) to get a job which are unfortunately found missing from most young graduates.
      To assure smooth integration(顺利融入) into professional life, and hence into society, students need to equip themselves with(装备) a battery of (一系列) professional practical skills and develop a career plan aligned with(使一致) their abilities and interests instead of continuing to moan about(抱怨) the lack of employment opportunities.
3、学生心理       To start, the condition at the moment is closely related to people' s social network isolation(网络隔离), which stems largely from(源于) the quicker pace of life(生活节奏).
      Lastly, the fact cannot be ignored (忽略) that college students have to face an increasingly intense competition in(在...激烈的竞争) the job market, which brings about(带来) anxiety about their future.
4、游学       At the same time, as China accelerates the process of(加快进程) internationalization(国际化) and more jobs are available to returnees, overseas students prefer to go back to China.
      Perhaps more importantly, the support from national policies acts as a further stimulus(刺激因素). Chinese government has adopted the policy of supporting the overseas studies, and encouraging overseas students to come back after they complete their studies.
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      As it revealed in the bar chart,remarkable changes have taken place,with regard to college students’ mental health problem.According to the data of the chart, one can see that the percentage of students suffering mental problems has been on a rapid rise these years.In the year of 2006,the percentage of college students facing such problems was merely 20.23%, while within no more than 7 years, it went up to 33. 47%.
      The driving factors for this phenomenon may be summarized as follows.To start, the condition at the moment is closely related to people’s social network isolation, which stems largely from the quicker pace of Iife.Furthermore, we must admit that the present condition has to do with peer pressure, roommate problems and academic frustration.Lastly,the fact cannot be ignored that college students have to face an increasingly intense competition in the job market, which brings about anxiety about their future.
      In view of the analysis above,we can conclude that this worsening situation will keep going in the rat-race society.Still,effective efforts must be made to stop such deterioration.

      如图所示,关于大学生心理问题方面,显著的变化已然发生。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,有心理问题的大学生比例这些年在快速上升。2006 年,面临这种问题的大学生比例是20.23%,然而不到7年的时间,比例上升到33.47%。

Top 3 网络科技专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康

1、网络购物       According to a recent Internet questionnaire, the overwhelming majority of(绝大多数) the respondents see net purchases as a blessing(福音) since they compared to traditional retail consumption(零售消费) patterns, are cheaper and more convenient.
      Considering the arguments above, we may reasonably(情有可原的) conclude that it's of no surprise to see the phenomenon in our hi-tech society.
2、市民在线课程选择       This suggests that in this era of knowledge explosion(知识爆炸), the traditional formal schooling is inadequate, and more convenient and flexible online education would be a good complement(补充).
      As the online education represents the future of education, instead of diminishing(贬低) online courses into the functional "online training", we should use them to access to culture and art, and thus cultivate our mind(陶冶情操).
      在线教育是未来教育发展的趋势 ,我们不应把在线教育矮化为功利性的“线上培训”,而应充分利用在线课程接近文艺, 陶冶情操。
3、网民比例       Online shopping (网络购物), for instance, has become a part of many young people’s life. Older people, on the other hand, may not be familiar with or even have doubts about these uses of Internet.
      From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that (我们可以确定得出结论) this phenomenon has much to do with(有关联) people’s education level and life style. With time going by, more people will need to and be able to use Internet and hence the proportions of adult users will become more evenly(平均的) distributed.

TOP 4 环境专题 押题统计:蒋军虎、新东方

1、控制温室气体排放的年龄差异       From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion (得出结论) that this phenomenon has much to do with people’s education level, life style and people’s awareness of environmental conservation(环境保护). With time going by, more people will understand the importance of curbing(抑制) greenhouses gas emission regardless of age group
2、空气污染       Besides, the severe condition at the moment is closely related to the rapid industrialization(快速工业化) of our China. Lastly, people's poor environmental consciousness(环保意识) also contributes a lot to this scenario(情境).
      In view of the analysis(根据分析), we may reasonably conclude that counter measures(相应措施) must be taken to reverse or at least alleviate(减轻) the deterioration(恶化). And I am hoping with confidence that an agreeable environment will come back in the foreseeable future(可预见的未来).

TOP 5 经济专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康

      In addition, it must be pointed out that with people’s disposable income(可支配收入) growing and the price of domestically-produced cars falling significantly, domestic automobiles(汽车) enter more and more families as a necessary means of transportation, thus promoting the automobile industry.
      From my perspective, as a result of the boom in the automobile industry, the total number of vehicles in cities has witnessed a great increase, raising concerns about the environmental pollution and the traffic jam. Therefore, we should take effective measures to, if not avert(避免), mitigate(缓解) such problems.


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