
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-12-07

I decided to quit for some reasons as follows. To begin with, the job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions is not suitable to me. What’s more, I am preparing for another degree and I prefer to further my study. Again, I apologize for my resignation to you!
I am looking forward to your early reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Part B (20 points)
52.    参考范文
A Helpless Father
The picture ironically shows that a pitiable old man in rags is being helplessly kicked off by his three sons and a daughter, who all wear decent clothes. The father’s negligent children are all guarding their home gates lest their old father “roll into” their households. In other words, they four ignore their moral sense of assuming the responsibility for their old father even though they may be all living a satisfying life. That is a painful scene we often encounter in our daily life.
Sad to say, the moral decline of the younger generations may be a rather explosive situation in our modern society. People definitely have their living conditions improved by wider and wider margins, as evidenced by the four children’s decent dressing, but their moral sense still remains sadly unchanged or in some cases becomes dramatically downgrading. Most people might have become too much self-centered, and even worse, they discard the tradition of giving respect to the elderly. They no longer care for their elders, let alone their neighbors or the disadvantaged; instead they try every means to avoid responsibility for other citizens. When one cares for others, one might even appear stupid or may even be distrusted.
Therefore, we have to take some useful measures to avoid the scene that is mentioned above. We must launch a variety of campaigns about the return to the good tradition of giving help and love the elderly. Moreover, we must appeal to our government to establish some relevant laws to punish those who avoid their duties. The last but not the least, our respect for age is an indication of the progress of human society, as imperatives of traditions require. We sincerely wish that the old man could be welcome to any of the four households, elegantly dressed, and a smile on the face.

66.    参考范文
Look at this picture. A man is running toward the end of a race, sweating all over. Perhaps there is nothing special about the man and the race, yet the end line leaves a deep impression on us for it is both “finish line” and “starting line” if we look at it from a different angle.
The picture tells us a lot about life. An ordinary runner may think that his achievement calls for celebration for he has reached his goal. But an ambitious runner will well realize that his success is the starting point for a new race. Obviously, the way we look at things determines how far we will go. If we feel satisfied with the ability to read and write, perhaps we will not strive to get a college education. Again, if we think a Bachelor degree is quite enough, we will not take pains to pass the examination for postgraduate. Life is just like an endless race. If we don’t prepare for new races, we are either disqualified from the race or surpassed by others. That’s why the finish line is also a starting live.
I like this picture. I may have been running this endless race, but I have been pushed forward by my parents or people around me. From now on, I will become more active and take the initiative, for the picture has really enlightened me.
(233 words)

66.    参考范文
As is shown in the two pictures, the same flower has different fate when put in different situations. When there is protection, the flower blooms beautifully. However, when exposed directly to rain and storm, the flower quickly withers. We can safely come to the conclusion that greenhouse flowers cannot withstand rain and storm.
The same is true with our children. As the one-child policy is adopted in China, more and more parents overprotect their children. With everything done for them and every need satisfied by their parents or grandparents, these only children seem to be healthy, happy and high-spirited. But when they leave home, they become disappointed and frustrated. Facing harsh things they have never experienced before, such as competition from peers, criticism from supervisors, pressure for deadlines and restriction for discipline, they will be at a loss, miserable or even desperate. In fact, the more protection they get from their parents, the less ability they acquire. Parents’ love for their children turns out to be a disaster.
Children, like flowers, should be treated with care, but reasonable and sensible ways of doing things will help to bring about more fruitful results, if we not only love our children but also teach them how to love, our love will be passed down from generation to generation; if we not only solve problems for our children but also encourage them to solve problems, our diligence and ingenuity will make our life more meaningful and worthwhile.

66.    参考范文
Cultures -- national and international
As is shown in the picture, a young American girl is wearing traditional Chinese dress and ornaments and is smiling sweetly. It may be an ordinary picture, but it conveys deep and profound meaning: national culture is also international culture.
Ever since we opened our door to the world, we have attracted and influenced by things from other cultures, such as jeans, country music and fast food. We have shown such interest in them that some people, especially the younger generation, become crazy about them. The more exotic they are, the more fashionable they seem to be. Now, begun to show its charm and gain popularity all over the world. Our national costume, just as shown in the picture, Beijing Opera, Cross Talk, for example, have won favor with a lot of foreigners.
As national culture becomes international culture, people in the world better understand each other. We are all villagers in this global village. Mutual respect and understanding make this world a better place to live in.

76.    参考范文(略)
This picture is a symbol that tells us how we should use our love: our love is like a lamp; the darker the place, the brighter the light. Indeed, love is most precious when it is offered to someone who is in difficulty.
I can tell you a real story here. When I was a child, my family moved to the countryside. Among our new neighbors was a paralyzed woman. As an innocent child, I somehow showed some interest in her. When I had time, I would to see her. When I had something to eat, I would let her share with me. One day she suddenly said to me, tear in her eyes, “I will bless you when I am in heaven.” I knew my love for her had worked wonders, for I had never heard her speaking and I thought she had lost her ability to speak. Her blessing may have really worked for I have been a lucky person in work and in life.
As far as I understand, love is sympathy and sincerity that needs not be expressed in terms of money or sweet words. As the proverb goes, “a hand may smell fragrant when it gives roses to others.” I believe love is the most precious thing in the world and we should give it to those who need it most.

76.    参考范文
These two pictures display a sharp contrast: there were a lot of fish with one fishing boat in the sea in 1900 while the situation was just the opposite in 1995. obviously, the fishing industry was facing a major problem, with all the ocean resources being exhausted so quickly.
The drawer is not exaggerating or joking about commercial fishing. On the contrary, he is seriously warning us that our way of thinking and ways of doing things are unreasonable and dangerous. Our resources are limited and our ecosystem needs careful consideration and protection. If we only care about the present, we will suffer in the future. It’s just like building friendship and saving money: the more you put into it, the more you can get; the more you take out, the less it is left.
Measures should be taken if such disappointing situation is to be avoided. I suggest that government make laws and regulations to guide and supervise people’s fishing activity, punishing those who only care about their own interest and bring harm to others and the environment. I also appeal to the public that money is not the only thing we can pursue and fish is not the only food we can eat. Whether for the benefit of the human race or for the interest of our own, we should show concern for others and make plans for the future. Only in this way can we live happily and affluently.



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