四川外国语大学翻译硕士(名词解释 缩略语已摘)

本站小编 免费考研网/2015-05-08

只能说其实选择题并不难,但是因为自己积累不够,很难区别排除ABCD选项之间的差别,所以我觉得特别难。个人觉得光做专四的题目,顶死不够的,词汇辨析能力很关键,买个同义词字典好好研究。阅读的话难度适中,但是文章篇幅很长,需要私下多练习。第一篇是日本建的塔什么的,第二篇不记得了,第三篇是什么改善交通运输计划在非洲贫穷国家的运用。作文是do you agree that the science students receive more governmental financial support comparing with the other student.你可以同意也可以不同意,言之成理就有分啦。350字。。。汗哪。我写抄了好多,因为口水话太多。
英译中:disel oil,border fense, Black Europe, environmental justice, Armstice Day, UNESCO, WTO, CIF, A Midsummer Night‟s Dream, Trade show, inverse translation
中译英:东盟,不可抗力,实体经济,廉租房,《与台湾法》,展馆,政府用车,第三产业, 英译中:好纠结啊。完全纯洁的赤裸裸的英国文学,应该是霍桑的吧,总之非常的纠结!建议大家从现在开始拿起原著英语读吧,使劲翻吧,好好培养点文学修养,否则只能成为炮灰啊!(诸如我这个二次炮灰)
书名:Edinburgh: picturesque notes 作者:Robert Louis Stevenson
And then we have Major Weir; for although even his house is now demolished, old Edinburgh cannot clear herself of his unholy memory. He and his sister lived together in an odour of sour piety. She was a marvellous spinster; he had a rare gift of supplication, and was known among devout admirers by the name of Angelical Thomas. 'He was a tall, black man, and ordinarily looked down to the ground; a grim countenance, and a big nose. His garb was still a cloak, and somewhat dark, and he never went without his staff.' How it came about that Angelical Thomas was burned in company with his staff, and his sister in gentler manner hanged, and whether these two were simply religious maniacs of the more furious order, or had real as well as imaginary sins upon their old-world shoulders, are points happily beyond the reach of our intention. At least, it is suitable enough that out of this superstitious city some such example should have been put forth: the outcome and fine flower of dark and vehement religion. And at least the facts struck the public fancy and brought forth a remarkable family of myths. It would appear that the Major's staff went upon his errands, and even ran before him with a lantern on dark nights. Gigantic females, 'stentoriously laughing and gaping with tehees of laughter' at unseasonable hours of night and morning, haunted the purlieus of his abode. His house fell under such a load of infamy that no one dared to sleep in it, until municipal improvement levelled the structure to the ground. And my father has often been told in the nursery how the devil's coach, drawn by six coal-black horses with fiery eyes, would drive at night into the West Bow, and belated people might see the dead Major through the glasses.
Another legend is that of the two maiden sisters. A legend I am afraid it may be, in the most discreditable meaning of the term; or perhaps something worse - a mere yesterday's fiction. But it is a story of some vitality, and is worthy of a place in the Edinburgh kalendar. This pair inhabited a single room; from the facts, it must have been double-bedded; and it may have been of some dimensions: but when all is said, it was a single room. Here our two spinsters fell out - on some point of controversial divinity belike: but fell out so bitterly that there was never a word spoken between them, black or white, from that day forward. You would have thought they would separate: but no; whether from lack of means, or the Scottish fear of scandal, they continued to keep house together where they were. A chalk line drawn upon the floor separated their two domains; it bisected the doorway and the fireplace, so that each could go out and in, and do her cooking, without violating the territory of the other. So, for years, they coexisted in a hateful silence; their meals, their ablutions, their friendly visitors, exposed to an unfriendly scrutiny; and at night, in the dark watches, each could hear the breathing of her enemy. Never did four walls look down upon an uglier spectacle than these sisters rivalling in unsisterliness. Here is a canvas for Hawthorne to have turned into a cabinet picture - he had a Puritanic vein, which would have fitted him to treat this Puritanic horror; he could have shown them to us in their sicknesses and at their hideous twin devotions, thumbing a pair of great Bibles, or praying aloud for each other's penitence with marrowy emphasis; now each, with kilted petticoat, at her own corner of the fire on some tempestuous evening; now sitting each at her window, looking out upon the summer landscape sloping far below them towards the firth, and the field-paths where they had wandered
hand in hand; or, as age and infirmity grew upon them and prolonged their toilettes, and their hands began to tremble and their heads to nod involuntarily, growing only the more steeled in enmity with years; until one fine day, at a word, a look, a visit, or the approach of death, their hearts would melt and the chalk boundary be overstepped for ever.
Alas! to those who know the ecclesiastical history of the race - the most perverse and melancholy in man's annals - this will seem only a figure of much that is typical of Scotland and her high-seated capital above the Forth - a figure so grimly realistic that it may pass with strangers for a caricature.
感觉1、2题都没有去年的难 呵呵 特别是单选 感觉选项中的生单词较去年有所减少
1)关于日本pagoda(塔)的历史、构造介绍:前4道是给4个句子选其对应段落 中间4道是非题 后3道是单选
2)关于food costs 主要讲表面上食物价格下降了,但因产食物而造成的潜在耗费如环境污染补救等加起来耗费就翻了几番。 仍然4到是非 最后是重述文中一部分内容 选文中合适词组填空 也是4个空吧 中间几道题有点模糊 记不起来了、、、
3)关于一个偏远地区交通运输改造过程的回顾和介绍 the Makete district 、MIRTP(话说,哥刚刚查了,又是出自《剑桥雅思》 真该去买这本书看,去年就有这上面的阅读) 前4道是给出四个句子 找其对应段落
中间4道是给出四个半截句子,根据课文内容从下方所给若干个选项中选择其后半句 还有1道 很简单 文章主旨句单选题
4、作文 关于science students是否应该get more financial support from the government than other students 比如 in business,language Major 谈你自己的看法 350词左右
剩下的 明天才晓得咯 呵呵
Diesel oil 、 border defence 、 odd number 、 lyrical poem 、 congnitive psychology 、 UNESCO 、WTO 、 A Midsummer Night„s dream 、 Trade show 、 environmental Justice 、inverse translation 、 CIF 、Black Europe 、 Symphony orchestra 、 Armistice Day
英翻汉 翻译部分大概讲的两个相互敌对的姐妹在同一间单人房里居住了N年。中间用粉笔划线分界。(强悍)这部分也很悲剧 哎。。。
汉翻英 讲的关于中国“客套话”并举了中、外两个人关于客套话的例子 总体比较容易 很顺畅
最后一门 汉语写作与百科知识
第一部分 选择题 考了周朝特殊行政制度、我国古代“四权”、中国人属于哪种人种、我国第一部分药学专著、5、7言诗兴起时期、史学从什么时候开始由私到官、首部编年史、三言二拍的时期、、、、
应用文 给一篇关于怀念外婆做的红烧鱼的散文 根据散文里的描述写一篇做红烧鱼的说明书 400字左右、、
大作文 假如你现在生活单调,每天工作、休息、娱乐,工作、休息、娱乐。突然有一天多给你两个小时 你会利用它来做什么?或者想不想要这两个小时?为什么? 800字以上。。。

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