
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

第二篇 Water Pollution and Man 
Water pollution affects man’s health, recreational use of water, industrial of water and sense of beauty. 
The spread of water-carried disease is of great concern. In highly developed countries in particular, emphasis has shifted from concern over bacterial disease to concern over water-carried viral (病毒性的) disease. Viral hepatitis (肝炎), for example, has been found to occur more frequently in cities whose water supplies have comparatively high levels of water impurity. Poisonous chemicals found in streams that are ultimately used for water supplies also create an important public health problem. 
It is clear that poisonous chemicals must be excluded from water, but more and more chemicals from new pesticides, fertilizers, and other new products have been found in water. Since the public health significance of these chemicals is not yet fully known, they are of increasing concern. The chemicals from fertilizers are also finding their way into water supplies from groundwater pollution. 
As man’s desire for water-based recreation increases, greater demands are placed on the quality of water. The water must not only be attractive in appearance but also meet certain other conditions. Sports such as swimming involve direct contact with water, and so water standards are raised higher. 
The range of water quality necessary for industrial processes varies greatly with the intended use of to water. The water used in steel mills, for example, must have a lower chloride (氯物) level than that accepted for drinking water. Cooling water can often be of comparatively low sanitary quality. A large part of the water used in the paper-making industry can be of relatively low quality in some aspects, but must contain little iron and carbon dioxide. 
41. According to the passage, the people in highly developed countries today are most concerned about _________. 
○A. bacterial disease 
○B. water-carried disease 
○C. poisonous chemicals in streams 
○D. water impurity 
42. The chemicals from pesticides and fertilizers found in water are of increasing concern because ____________. 
○A. Their significance to man’s health has not been completely known. 
○B. they may cause groundwater pollution 
○C. they can find their way into water supplies for farmers 
○D. they are important factors contributing to the spread of disease 
43. According to the passage, water-based recreation demands that _______. 
○A. the water contain a higher level of oxygen 
○B. the water contain little iron and carbon dioxide 
○C. the water be attractive and of high quality 
○D. the water standards be appropriate for all sports 
44. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following except _________. 
○A. water quality necessary for steel mills 
○B. soft water and hard water for industrial processes 
○C. cooling water of low sanitary quality 
○D. water standards for paper mills 
45. As the passage is not complete, that do you think would follow in its full text? 
○A. The relationship between carbon dioxide and paper making. 
○B. Water pollution’s direct economic effects on man. 
○C. Examples of continued water pollution. 
○D. Man’s views on water pollution in terms of beauty values. 
第六部分 完形填空 (30分) 
Crime and Drugs 
Despite the respect of most Americans for law and the determination of the legal system to protect the rights of individuals, the United States, like all other countries, does experience crime. Especially in large cities, the c 46 rate can be high. 
A high percentage of crime in the United States in directly related to the illegal sale and u 47 of drugs. Drugs are smuggled i 48 the country by organized groups of criminals despite intense efforts by the government to stop the illegal drug trade. T 49 who become addicted to drug use sometimes rob or break into houses or stores to get money to pay f 50 the drugs. 
Drug use has caused great concern i 51 the United States. The federal government has worked hard to stop the growing of drug plants in other c 52 . It has also set up special agencies, sometimes working with agencies from o 53 nations, to catch the smugglers outside and inside the United States. Teachers and many other citizens work together to t 54 children about the dangers of drug use. Many government agencies in the states and private citizen groups work to help drug addicts give u 55 their drug use and turn to useful lives. 


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