
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

第二部分 完成句子 (25分) 
Television is the USA 
Thirty-four percent of the world’s television sets are in the USA. But it is not fair that some foreigners have concluded that America has a TV culture. Still it is true that American TV has great power and can make or break well-known people in front of the camera. There are a thousand stations in the 50 states, and in most places there is a choice of five or six channels. The major networks (National Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting System and the American Broadcasting Company) introduce a lot of new shows of every kind. Those dramas, soap operas, talk shows, news shows, and sport shows which are successful, are relayed (转播) throughout America and are often sold abroad. Roots, by the black writer Ales Haley, for example, was sold all over the world. 
Nearly all TV in the USA is commercial, and programs are interrupted every quarter of an hour or so for advertisements. These breaks make people upset, especially during some exciting action in a good film. However, commercials do make it possible to show programs on TV that are expensive to produce. 
There is one channel where there are no commercial breaks. Programs on this channel are run by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and can be seen all over the USA. Although the PBS gets a grant from the government, the government does not interfere in any way in the organization of its programs. There are programs on everyday affairs, music, the arts, as well as serious discussions on al kinds of topics. Some programs are supported by companies or institutions, but these organizations are not allowed to influence the content of program. 
16. The conclusion made by some foreigners that America has a television culture is not f . 
17. A great number of new shows are introduced by t he leading n in the USA. 
18. There is just one c without breaks for advertisements in the USA. 
19. While people are watching TV programs, breaks for advertisements can make them w . 
20. Although some companies supply money for some programs, they are not a to have influence upon the content of the programs in any way. 
第三部分 阅读理解 (80分) 
第一篇 How to Find the Best Book Reviews 
Normally, you will want the sources for a paper to be the best ones possible. Since there is a great deal of material available on most subjects, you don’t want to waste your time reading an inaccurate or superficial book. It is sometimes wise, therefore, to first evaluate a book for accuracy and thoroughness. If you are unfamiliar with the subject of executive power, for example, you may wonder whether or not the book President and Congress; Power and Police, by L. Fisher (1972), will be a good source of information. The essayist way to find it out is to read some reviews of the book. 
Book reviews appear in almost every newspaper and magazine. To quickly find the reviews you want, use a reference book such as Book Review Digest. Beginning in 1905, its editors annually compile (编辑) book reviews from about seventh-five periodicals (期刊) and newspapers and need to know two things to use this tool: the year the book was published and the correct spelling of the author’s name. 
A reference book with slightly broader coverage (覆盖面) is Book Review Index (1966-). In it, however, summaries of the reviews are not included. A newcomer, Current Book Review Citations (引证), is even better for books published from 1976 on, since it indexes the book reviews that are listed in many major periodicals, indexes. One caution (警告) when searching for reviews in this : if you don’t find one under the year a book was published, look at the following year or years. Reviews like college students, sometimes fall behind in their writing schedules. 
21. It is necessary to read reviews because you want to ___________. 
○A. know everything about a book 
○B. find a reliable source of information 
○C. know if the book is too easy or hard 
○D. fine the author’s educational background. 
22. where can you very quickly find the book reviews you want? 
○A. In newspapers. 
○B. In magazines. 
○C. In Book Review Digest. 
○D. In newspaper supplements. 
23. IF you want to find reviews on a book published in 1920, which of the following will you go to? 
○A. Book Review Digest. 
○B. Book Review Index. 
○C. Current Book Review Citations. 
○D. Both A and B. 
24. If you need the most thorough information of reviews on a recent book, which of the following do you go to? 
○A. Book Review Digest. 
○B. Book Review Index. 
○C. Both A and B. 
○D. Current Book Review Citations. 
25. The last sentence of this passage implies that college students in the West ______. 
○A. often hand in their written work late. 
○B. do not like making plans. 
○C. always finish their homework on time. 
○D. usually follow schedules. 


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