
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

Ⅰ. Translate the following
A. From English into Chinese: (5%)
1. distributor __________
2. D.A.F. __________
3. consignment note __________
4. Force majeure __________
5. Symbolic delivery ______________
6. Tare __________
7. allowance __________
8. WTO ________________
9. shipping order __________
10. breach of contract __________
B. From Chinese into English: (5%)
1. 保险经纪人 ____________________
2. 独家代理 ________________
3. 易货贸易 ________________
4. 租赁 ________________
5. 最惠国待遇 ______________________________

Ⅱ. Choose the correct answer: (20%)
1. The purpose of this ad campaign is to _ the prospective customers' interest in this latest model of ours.
a. appeal b. encourage c. arouse d. attract

2. The terms agreed _ _ Mr.Goodman at the Guangzhou Fair embodied much concession on our part.
a. to, by b. from, with c. in, from d. upon, with

3. Not until this morning _ your delayed letter of credit.
a. we received b. did we receive c. we have received d. had we received

4. Lloyd's, an association of London underwriters, developed from a small seventeenth-century London coffee house, _ underwriters at that time met to do business.
a. where b. in that c. which d. that

5. In our previous letter, the importance of shipment _ end of November is stressed.
a. at b. by the c. by d.near

6. When the goods are ready, the shipping agent will _ and _ them to the docks.
a. deliver, collect b. collect, send c. deliver, send d. collect, deliver

7. We regret that it is necessary to complain______the non-delivery of the 10,000 tons of sugar under Contract BC-023.
a. concerning b.about c. regarding d.with

8. We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair. We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come ______ your earliest convenience.
a. by b. on c. in d. at

9. Unfortunately, quite a number of the users are dissatisfied _____ your Straw Baskets supplied to Order No. T90.
a. to b. with c. on d. above

10. They have decided to allow us an 18% discount to avoid ______ another old customer of theirs.
a. loss b. lose c. losing d. to lose


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