
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

Ⅰ. Translate the following:
A. From English to Chinese: (5%)
1. Drawee
2. Straight B/L
3. Arbitration
4. Import Licence
5. T/T
6. Bona Fide Holder
7. Air waybill
8. Freight Ton
9. Patent Licence
10.W/W Clause
B. From Chinese to English: (5%)
1. 滞期费
2. 保险单
3. 装运(船)通知
4. 海关发票
5. 托运人

Ⅱ. Choose the correct answer: (25%)
1. We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied ______ stock.
a. upon b. out c. in d. from

2. We look forward to ______ the goods in the fourth quarter.
a. the delivery of b. your delivery c. deliver d. delivery

3. We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, ______ regret that we can not supply the goods ______ the end of May.
a. but, by b. and, by c. but, for d. and, for

4. We have lodged a claim ______ the seller for the shortage of shipment ______ S.S. DONGFENG.
a. against, ex b. with, under c. on, as per d. with, to

5. The introduction of containers in transport greatly ______ carriage of goods.
a. facilitate b. speeds c. facilitates d. economizes


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