
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

VI.Translate thefollowing passages: (15%)

1. From English into Chinese (5%)

2.From Chinese into English: (10%)
1)International marketing is important because the world has become globalized. International marking takes place all around us every day.and has a major effect on our lives.

2)There is only a small proportion of service activity in international trade. because to some sxtent services are much less tradable than goods.

3)In executing a contract,both sides should abide by the stipulations in the contract.If one part fails to fulfill all of the obligations.it will bring inconvenience or even ioss to anther party.

4)In international trade,time is of the essence.so it is natural that the buyer usually insists that shipment be made before a specified deadline or within a period of time.

5)Technology transfer is the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a product.for the application of a ptocess. or for the rending of a service.The elements of the transfer arehuman ware,soft wsreand hard ware.


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