
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

27.In 1965Rodolfo Gonzales has estab1ished(A)an organization(B)called(C)the Crusade For Justice in(D)Denver,Colorado.

28.Large,heavy(A)draft horses were commonly(B)used for labor farm(C)in the United States before the(D)introduction of tractors.

29.Herads of migrating caribou,members(A)of the deer family arc an important(B)economically(C)resource to Inuits and other Native Americans.

30.Some(A)nineteenth-century advocates(B)for the emancipation of women in the United States were also activity(C)in the Underground Railroad,helping(D)slaves to escape.

31.Feathers not only(A)protect birds from injury and conserve(B)body heat but also function in flight(C).courtship,camouflage,and sensory perceptive(D).

32.The radio telescope,invented(A)in 1932,has capabilities(B)beyond far(C)those ofoptical telescopes in tracking(D)signals from galaxies.

33.Rafting was an(A)essential mean(B)of transportation(C)from prehistoric times(D)to thenineteenth century.

34.Many fortification(A)rank among the most(B)functional and beautiful works of(C)architecture constructed(D)in North America before the twentieth century.

35.Because(A)her work was popular with(B)European royally,Harriet Goodhue Hosmer became financial(C)successful as a sculptor in the(D)mid-eighteen hundreds.

36.The actor(A)James Earl Jones gained(B)Broadway stardom in "The Great Whitehope"for his powerful(C)portrayal of prizefighter(D).

37.Despite(A)fats and oils arc nutritionally(B)important as(C)energy sources,medical research indicates(D)that saturated fats may contribute to hardening of the arteries.

38.Large multicolored insects with(A)four wings,dragonflies play(B)a very important role in the ecosystem of humid area(C)by controlling(D)the population of mosquitoes.

39.During(A)early nineteenth-century Boston.the architect(B)Charles Bulfinch,eager to make the city beautiful,sometimes provided(C)free plans for people building homes(D).

40.In 1889Jane Addams,a social worker in Chicago,founded hull house,an institution(A)devoted(B)to the improvement(C)of community life in poor neighborhood(D).


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