
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

14.The novelist Edith Wharton considered the Writer Henry James (A)that a strong influence on her work(B)as strong influence on her work(C)a strong influence on her work (D)was a strong influence on her work

15.Ironically,the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow claimed he never liked teaching,although a professor at Harvard University and taught for many years.(A)becoming

(B)he became

(C)had lie become(D)for him to become

16.The hind leg(A)of the gerbil are particularly(B)well adapted to(C)leaping across(D)its desert habitat.

17.Educator(A)Helen Magill White was the first(B)American woman to have earn(C)the Ph.D.degree(D).

18.The changes that occur(A)in the life cycle(B)of a butterfly or moth are probable(C)the most striking examples(D)of metamorphosis.


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